Sliding down hill

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Requested by RUBYWOLF06, a little late but here ya go!

Warning: Cussing

Word count: 780

You crashed into Buckys door knocking it down and having it slam against the wooden ground. You banged your head against the door and took in a shuddering breath. Bucky jolted awake standing straight up and looking around. Seeimg you on his door on the floor, his eyes grew wide as he rushed to your side. Your vision was blurry and your back hurt. Tony came into view with twisted features and an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n!" Tony apologized.

"Damnit, Stark! What the hell did you do?!" Bucky shouted laying you on his bed and eyeing Tony.

"It was an accident! We were sparing and my suit came. It knocked her through-" Tony paused to look through the holes in the walls, "4 walls. She's probably not okay."

"Not okay?!" Bucky shouted, "When I find out what's wrong with her I swear I'll beat the stripes off your ass!"

"It was on accident!" He argued, "I swear!"

Bucky growled in response and turned his attention back to you. You gritted your teeth and your vision was rather bad, you held onto your side and blew out a breath. Buckys face was full of worry. He picked you up and took you to Bruce, his bare skin was against your side the whole time. He kept you close while Bruce worked on what happened,  you were conscious but barley. In your head, it really was an accident. Getting hurt was part of the fun for you, it was just another regular day at the Tower. Bruce put the heart thing on your back and you shivered from the cold metal, the shiver sending a slight headache.

"It's not fatal. She just bruised her spine and has a slight concussion. She'll be okay." Bruce informed rather calm.

"Okay." Bucky responded holding you a little tighter and closer to his bare chest, "Okay."

After the check up, Bucky took you to his room and laid you on his bed again. The sheets smelled just like him, sweat and gunpowder. Tony came in and you were fully awake now, you sat up, a slight pain in your back. Bucky was quick to put a hand on your thigh, trying to get you to lay down. He then turned his head to Tony, a smug yet annoyed look spreading across his features.

"You have some nerve coming in my room, Stark!" Bucky shouted standing up.

"You have some nerve thinking that you own this room in my Tower." Tony replied crossing his arms over his chest.

Bucky balled his hands into fists. You could see the steam rising off his skin as he growled.

"First you hurt my sister and then you come in here arguing?!" Buckys voice rose with every word, "You're about to turn into a plie of blood and bones."

You shifted in your spot sitting criss cross, ready to witness the fight. You should be the responsible person and best friend you are and stop this, but you actually wanted to see this fight. Sadly, your movements seemed to hault Bucky in his tracks. He turned around and knelt by your side once more, his eyes roaming your body for any signs of pain.

"How you feelin'?" Tony spoke, ceasing the silence that filled the room.

"Yeah. I'm good. Just another day, really." You laughed. Bucky eyed you, "Oh come on! I know your upset, but it really wasn't his fault. J.A.R.V.I.S malfunctioned and mistaked our sparring for a real fight. I'm sorry you had to worry."

He smiled, "It's fine. As long as you're okay."

"Yeah. Right. So, you're good and I'm good. Bye." Tony waved.

"Excuse me for minute." Bucky pardoned standing up, "Get back here! Your dumbass hurt my sister! I'll kill you!"

"Don't let him end the blood line, Y/n! Please!" Tony begged running from Bucky.

You hummed in thought, "No I don't think I will!"

"Y/nnnn!" Tony whined.

You groaned as Bucky stopped and looked at you, knowing you wanted to say something. He was prepared to stop at your command, your first word he'd stop in his tracks.

"Just promise me chocolate after." You mumbled looking at him.

"You know I will, doll." He smiled back running after Tony again.

"Don't let him die!" You shouted laying back on his bed.

Tony looked at you in utter disbelief. But, he also knew he deserved this. Snapping out of his thoughts he ran once more, Bucky eventually pinned him to the floor and messed with him as much as he wanted.


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