Saved Pt. 3

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Last part if the story! 1478 words!

"Okay okay! You won we lost!" Sam said giving up.

You left your room at 8pm and it was now 9:30. You would've been back earlier if Sam wasn't being so stubborn to admit that you guys won fair and square. He finally gave up as you pumped a fist in the air and walked to his door as you were about to close it.

"PLAYOFFS SUCKER!!!" You shouted as he threw a pillow at you.

You blocked it with the door and laughed as you walked back to your room. You saw Clint leaning on his door as he waved at you.

"So, planning on going to playoffs?" Clint asked.

"Uh, no. Yes. Maybe, only if Tony lends the money." You said crossing your arms leaning with him.

"Huh. Well, I've got 3 tickets." He said almost in a singing tone.

Your eyes lit up as he waved them back and forth.

"And one has your name on it." He said handing you one.

You quickly snatched it admiring the ticket. You were actually going to go to a game. You've dreamed of going to one.

"Front row seats?!" You whispered yelled.

"Yep." He replied proudly.

You immediately stopped smiling like a goof and looked at him. His eyebrows creased as that fake 'What's wrong?' face appeared.

"What's the catch bird brain?" You asked firmly.

"Buy me Jerky everytime you go to the store and the ticket is yours." He said taking it back.

You huffed and looked at him as an idea popped in your head. You could say yes. You say Yes and then stop going to the store so often. Maybe go once in a while for something important but not as much as you go. If he thinks your still going every other day, and your not just to mess with him, he's out of luck.

"Fine. Just give it!" You said smiling again.

"No backses!" He informed as you gave a sly smile.

"No backses." You repeated.

He handed you the ticket as you bounced up and down.

"It's next week on Saturday, our day off. I'm bringing you, me, and James since he seems to be on our team." Clint said tilting his head twords your room.

"I'll have to convince him but I'm sure he'll go. If not, back up is Nat." You said walking away.

"Always." Clint responded closing his door after you hugged him.

You went to your room and looked at the ticket. Your first game in front row seats was right infront of you. Your goofy smile soon left as you heard faint sobbing from the other side of your door. You put your ear to it and heard him. Crying his eyes out. He had mini screams in the middle of a few sobs.

You looked down at your ticket and put it in your pocket. You slowly opened your door and looked around for Bucky. You saw him curled up on your bed clenching the sheets as his body was violently shaking. The whimpers that escaped his lips broke your heart each time you heard it. You closed your door and jogged over to his side putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Bucky?" You called him in a whisper.

He didn't respond. You grabbed his hands and pulled him up as he just went with it. He sat on the edge of the bed still shaking in your grasp. You lifted his chin so he could look at you as your heart broke even more at his red puffy eyes.

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