It wasn't me

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This story is dark. Don't know by how much but it's dark. Mentions of cutting and voices, if these are triggers for any of you don't read. I don't want to be sued.

Warning: Cutting and Voices

Word count: 1390


You woke up. Everything hurts.

Every bone screaming, every nerve banging against your body. Begging to be free. The rope against your wrists digging into your skin like it's life depends on it, the chair you were strapped in was cold. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you shivered, someone was watching you. You looked around, cautiously waiting for someone to step out or attack. But no one did, no one was here. You looked at the ceiling finding cameras in 3 corners facing you, intimately. The doors infront of you swung open reveling Tony. Why was he here?

"Y/n?" He questioned stepping closer.

"What?" You answered very confused, "Why am I tied up? Why are you saying my name like that? Where's Bucky?"

He stuck out his hands with raised eyebrows, "I know you have a lot of questions but I can't answer them here."

"Why not? I want to know! Get me out!" You shouted moving around in your chair, "Why the hell am I here?!"

"Because you went rouge!" He shouted back taking a deep breath, "You went rouge, Y/n. Almsot killed half the team in the process, I don't think you realize how many agents we had to sacrifice."

You creased your eyebrows. Your defensive state kicking in, "What are you talking about?! I didn't do anything!"

You didn't do anything. Or, at least you don't remember doing anything. All you remember is waking up in the morning, getting breakfast, and then your ears popped and your here. You had no idea what they were talking about, you were panicking, struggling to break free. The ropes digging further and further into your skin with every moment of moving.

"Get me out! I didn't do anything! Let me go!" You screamed, tears threating to take over your vision, "I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU—"

You paused. Did you just say that? Did that really come out your mouth? didn't mean to say that. Or did you? Was it intentional? Your eyes widened as you recalled your words. You didn't say that. Yes, it came out your mouth but you didn't mean to say that. You didn't have control over your words. Why?

Tony looks at you in worry, "See? We don't know what's happening but we do know something is inside you, messing with you. Making you do things. That's- that's why we have to lock you up until further notice."

Your eyes widened as Agents stepped in and grabbed your arms, "No! Hey, back off! Back off! I didn't do it I swear! I'll murder all of you!"

There it was again. That same level in your voice, it was like it was begging to be free. To come out and dwell on your anger. The agents reached the cell floor, you kicked as hard as you could to get free but it was no use. They threw you in and you immediately found your feet running twords them, the door closed faster than you could get out and you hit your head falling back on your butt. You yelled and screamed, your body shaking on the floor. Your mind in many different places, this is how Bucky must've felt, how lost and disoriented things were. You were shaking violently on the floor, prying the rope off your hands. Once they came off you stood up kicking the glass wall, punching left and right, you wanted out. Your hunger of blood taking over. You paused again.

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