Thunder storms

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Warning: Short but super sweet

Word count: 1134


Thunder storms. One if your favorite kind of weather, actually...your only. You like sunny days when they care out your plan to go to the pool or something, but you love the rain more. Rain had such a majestic way of giving you that warm and cozy feeling. It was as if you relied on rain. You liked to watch movies during rain, or sleep, walk around listening to it, or even play out in it. You just loved the rain itself. So, when it became nighttime and it rained, you instantly fell in love with the sound of the thunder cracking and the rain hitting your window.

You got out of bed and left your room heading to the kitchen. There, you saw mostly eveyone at the table talking and working. Papers scattered across the table, pens and pencils, even some glasses and binders. They were obviously working on the mission for tomorrow, they were talking about it all day. You got a bag of chips out the cabinet and headed back to your room, stopping at your door and glared at Buckys. You haven't seen him since after the mission, when the rain started. You went over to his door and did your special knock letting him know it was just you.

You opened it after a few seconds finding his room completely dark and him in a corner. You closed the door and walked over to him, crouching down to his level. He was shaking, violently while he whispered things in Russian under his breath.

"Безопасно....Лица....смерть...." (Safe.... faces....death.) He mumbled rocking back and forth.

You sighed at yourself for forgetting that he gets scared during these things. He gets scared when he's alone, when he has nightmares, and even when you're gone on a mission without him. You put a hand on his knee that was brought to his face as he flinched and grabbed your wrist having you drop your chips.

"Это я! Это я!" (It's me! It's me!) You said trying to pry his hand off your wrist.

His snarl like face soon softened at the sound of your voice. He let go of your wrist and pulled you in for a hug, he was still shaking as he held onto you for dear life.

"I'm sorry...." He whispered burying his nose in your hair, "I didn't mean too."

"You're okay. What's wrong?" You asked mentally slapping yourself since you already knew.

"It's the thunders-"

He was cut off by another bolt of lighting striking in the sky. He jumped and whimpered as he held you tighter. He was like a little puppy, he may look intimidating but he was soft. One of the kindest, funniest, and helpful person you've ever met. You tangled your fingers in his hair and combed through then calming him down a bit. He hated Thunderstorms, they brought out the weak in him, they scared him, maybe more than H.Y.D.R.A.

"It's okay, I've got you." You whispered, "Мой очаровательный малыш."

"I'm no baby." He mumbled.

"You're my baby."

He buried his head in the crook of your neck as a small smile appeared on his lips. You really did care for him. He was surprised the first time you guys met, how you immediately looked past his past and stuck out your hand with this unforgiving smile on your face. It was like he met the othe ride of this cruel world, the side he never got to explore.

The happy side.

"Hi! I'm Y/n Y/l/n! You must be James." You said sticking out your hand.

Bucky contained his blush and hesitantly shook your hand with his normal one. Afraid of your reaction to change once you saw his metal one.

"Yeah....I am." He mumbled.

"Awesome! You have a metal arm?! Steve never told me!" You said as your eyes sparkled at the sight.

Buckys face was full of concern. Weren't you supposed to be scared? Afraid? Nervous? Trying an attempt to run away?

"Anyways, I'll show you around okay?" You asked looking him in the eyes.


From that point on he studied you. Your walk, your talk, every hair, every curve, and every feature on your face. Beacuse he knew from this day on, nothing will be the same again. You noticed how he's not much of a talker, and you can understand that. If you were being used and brainwashed for 70 years you'd be silent too, but he was different around you. Very. He seemed to smile more and get a few sentences in before when quit the chatter, you were glad you were making friends with him so fast. You finally reached his room and yawned once he stepped in the door. Training, a mission, and showing someone around the Tower has you beat. You leaned against the door giving him a tried smile.

"That's it. Actually, there probably more since I haven't really explores the Tower yet but as of right now, that's it. If you Need anything just call on J.A.R.V.I.S, he'll answer any questions you have." You said rubbing your eyes.

He gave a small smile and a nod as he walked up to you and placed a hand on the door knob.

"I'll show you my secret places later. No one knows about them but me, and possibly you!" You whispered with a smile looking around.

"Right....Night Y/n." He said giving you a small wave.

"Night James."

He pulled away and you grabbed his hand pulling him up. A slight blush firming on his face at how strong you were, you sat on his bed bringing him over with you as you flipped through Netflix finding a show. He climbed on his bed laying in between your legs facing the TV. His head rested on your shoulder and his metal hand intertwined with yours. He closed his eyes trying to drown out the sound of the storm. You kissed his temple which made a huge smile spread across his face. Every now and then he'd jump remembering about the storm and you'd hug him reassuring him he was safe.

In time, the thunder stopped along with the rain. You were sad to see it go but you knew Bucky wouldn't be in panic anymore. You looked down at him and saw he was fast asleep laying on your stomach with his arms wrapped around your upper waist. You legs were wrapped around his waist and you ran a finger through his hair watching him peacefully sleep. You loved him with all your heart. You felt your eyes get heavy as well as you closed your eyes with a small smile grazing your lips.

"Моя прекрасная малышка."

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