How long am I supposed to wait?

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Warning: Cussing

Word count: 1959


You finished the Dinsey movie and yawned stretching your muscles as you hopped off the couch. Bucky just stared at the screen, not even blinking for one second before you swiped your hand infront of his face. He eyes shifted from the screen to you, locking in your gaze.

"You okay? You look stuck." You chuckled sitting next to him.

He slowly nodded, looking away for a few seconds then back at you. Was he emotional? He looked like he wanted to cry but at the sametime he looked fine. Your ears picked up on his breathing, it went from slow and steady to slow and ragged. His body shaking ever so slightly as he fiddled with his hands and immediately stood up, walking away. Before he reached his door, you were infront of him with a concerned look on your face.

"Buck." You whispered cupping his face with your hand, "What happened? Did I do something?"

He shook his head looking at you again,  "I can't remember...."

You creased your eyebrows. His eyes filled with tears and he started shaking again, he tried to suppress it but that only made it worse. He closed his and let out a shaky sigh, his breathing getting faster.

"I can't remember it. Why?" He mumbled to himself, "Why can't I remember it?"

"Remember what, Bubba?" You asked wiping the tears from his face.

He opened his eyes and looked at you again. Confusion and sadness taking over his features as he grabbed your hands and squeezed them. You leaned your forehead on his and he let out a light sob.

"I can't remember when we met. I can't." He whimpered.

This wasn't the first time he couldn't remember something. Ever since H.Y.D.R.A caught him again, he's been forgetting little by little and he'd have to be reminded just for the memory to spark again. Bruce said it would last a couple more days then he'd be fine, but Bucky didn't belive it. For some reason, he didn't belive this was temporary. He believed it would stay, and one day he'd get so forgetful that he'd forget you. His number one fear war forgetting you, forgetting about his doll. His girl, his property, his mind, his light, his source of happiness, his everything. You let a small smile creep over your face, this was one of your favorite days to talk about, one of your happiest days of your lives.

"One of my favorite days." You whispered taking his hand in yours and bringing him to his room.

He scrunched his eyebrows together when you sat him on his bed and pulled out a magnet from his drawer. You went over to him and sat infront, criss cross holding up the Mickey Mouse magnet. His face immediately lit up knowing this was probably a goofy and dumb story. You placed it on his metal arm, the same spot when it landed that day.

You walked into the kitchen grabbing a bowl of cereal and sitting on the island as Sam and Scott came in talking. Something you never thought you'd see in your life, at least not in this lifetime. Scott was first to see you and he gave you a sideways hug while he still talked, Sam saw you and fist-bumped you listening to Scott argue about which cotton candy flavors were best. You decided to listen in on their conversation since you ha dnorhing else better to do. The argument was made multiple times, this one was new since new flavors of Cotton Candy came out and Scott and Sam were first to try them. Now, the argument was about Pineapple Cotton candy was better than Orange and vice versa. You didn't know which one was which or even how they tasted like, but you were intrigued by the conversation they made, having it turn into full on war. That's when he came in.

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