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Requested by Your_Girl_Vivi_

I start school tomorrow. Help.

Warning: Fluff, self-doubt, cuteness overload.

Love yourself, because your opinion about you is all that matters. What on your body is beautiful, don't let anyone say otherwise <3

Unedited. Short text. Enjoy!!!

"Y/n!" Natasha shouted, jogging up to you, "Girl, come on! The party already started and your record of not showing up is Zero."

You gave her a small smile, fidgeting with the hoodie you had on. You wanted to go and have fun, splash some water around, laugh and shout, but you didn't have it in you this time. Mainly because you to wear a bathing suit that showed off your stretch marks. Now normally, you'd just wear shorts and a top but you couldn't get around it anymore. They've grown.

"No, actually, uhm-" You cleared your throat, looking at her, "I'm gonna sit this one out. I need to fill out mission reports anyways. Thanks though."

You turned to leave but Natasha was quick and grabbed your hand, a frown on his face.

"But, Y/n, you never miss one of Starks parties. Especially if it celebrates all of us coming back alive." Nat tried to reason, hoping you'd give in and go.

"Sorry, Nat. Not this time, okay?" You spoke, prying her hand off and quickly walking to your room.

Tears pressed your eyes as you closed the door, you flopped on your bed and silently crying into your pillow for what seemed like forever, until your phone rang. Slowly sitting up, you wiped your eyes and grabbed your phone, answering the call.

"Hello?" Your voice came out groggy and shattered.

There was no answer for a second, "Y/n, doll, are you crying?"

You tensed, trying to find a way to play it off, "No. I was just sleeping..."

Bucky sighed, "Even through a phone your a bad liar. Give me 2 minutes, I'll be there."

Before you could protest he hung up, you dropped your phone in defeat, silently cursing the super soldier serum. In exactly 2 minutes, there was a knock on your door, he didn't wait for a response and came in, closing the door behind him. When he saw you curled up in a ball, the covers over your head, and your frame slightly shaking in your bed, he knew something was wrong. Silently, he walked over to the edge of your bed and sat down, pulling your covered body into a hug. You shifted in his arms so you were in his lap, your face buried in the crook of his neck, and your blanket covering the both of you.

"Что случилось, девочка?" Bucky asked, uncovering your face from the blanket. (What's wrong, baby girl?)

You let out a shaky sigh, pulling back a little bit so you could see his face. You saw the worry and concern in his eyes, how his lips turned downwards into a frown, and couldn't help but think that this was a pathetic excuse to cry.

"I-I don't really know how to say this..." You said, lowly, looking down at your fingers.

"Just come out and say it, love. It's okay." Bucky cooed, kissing your nose.

You took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the worst, "I'm not...comfortable with wearing anything revealing because-....because of my stretch marks. Nat told me to go out and be with you guys but I can't...they've grown and I don't like them. I'm ugly."

Bucky froze, gently grabbing your chin and turning your head to face him, "You are not ugly. If anything you're more than beautiful, you're a fucking goddess. And your body, love, is to die for. Stretch marks, scars, bullet holes, it dosen't matter. You're beautiful being you. Besides, why should you care about what others think? To me, you're everything I need and more."


"No buts." He cut you off, standing up, "Where are they?"

"W-what? My stretch marks?" You asked, he nodded, "On my (place/s)...why?"

With permission, he took of (whatever is hiding your stretch marks) and slowly started peppering kisses on each one. Each kiss made you blush deeper and deeper, soon, your hands were covering your face of pure joy. Bucky chuckled, pulling your hands back from your face and giving you a proper kiss.

"You're beautiful, doll. Don't tell yourself lies. 'S what you tell me all the time." Bucky smirked, dressing you back up after a few more kisses.

"But that's different." You argued, earning a glare from him, "Okay. Okay...I'll try."

"Good girl." He smiled, kissing your forehead, "Now. Party or something else?"

You thought for a moment, deciding on staying with Bucky for a while until you felt comfortable going out to the party.

"I'll stay with you for a while." You answered, burying your face in his chest.

He rested his hand on the back of your head, leaning down and planting a kiss ontop, "What if you miss the party? Will that be okay?"

You smiled, "Knowing Stark, that party's gonna last all night."

Bucky nodded, laying both of you in bed and pulling you close, his chin resting on your head.

"I love you, darling. Don't forget it." He mumbled, closing his eyes.

"I love you too."

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