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You treaded the halls of the Tower. It was such a big place, but you felt like it was bigger. The countless floors, the way it hovered over the city, the number of machines you see everyday. It was a big place.

You went over to Buckys door and knocked on it. There was nothing. You slightly opened the door to find nothing but pitch black, the only light was the one behind you in the Tower. You stepped in and closed the door.

"Bucky?" You called out.

You were met with whimpers from the bathroom. You walked, slowly, over to the sound and turned on the bathroom light. The glass from the window was broken and blood trailed from the window, over the bathroom sink, onto the white tiled floor, and in a corner. Where Bucky laid barley breathing. You rushed over to him and tried waking him up. He opened his eyes and immediately shot up but fell again, he used the sink to support him and backed into the wall. Shaking.

"Stay away from me." He croaked, his voice shaky, "I'm warning you!"

He took a peice of glass in his metal hand and pointed it at you. A nightmare. He's hallucinating. You ever so slowly stepped twords him, each step earned a shake in his system.

"Back up!.....please. I-I don't want to hurt you..." He whispered, tears clouding his vision.

"Bucky. It's me." You whispered able to put your hand on his and lower the peice of glass, "Think baby, think."

He was drawing out heavy breaths, his chest rising and falling, his eyes filling with more tears after the other set fell on his cheeks. You put a hand on his face, he flicned and moved his head. Only to put it back in your palm.

"It was a dream. I just need you to think, for me. Please." You whispered, both hands on his face now.

He took in a deep breath, shutting his eyes closed and wrapping his hands on your wrists. He lowered his head, his hair making a barrier around his face. Tears fell on the bathroom floor as he slid down the wall, bringing you down with him. He looked up at you and let out a small yet quiet sob.

"Y/n....h-help me." He mumbled, his breathing picking up it's pace, "Please. I can't do it anymore."

"Calm down. Slow breaths." You responded looking in his eyes, "I'm right here, I can help you, just breath."

"They were after me.....I-I......" He was cut off by himself, he stopped short looking at you.

You put your forehead on his and he cupped your face, his breathing coming to a normal pace. You pecked his lips and a small smile grazed them, only to fall within seconds. He wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you closer to him, you comforting him.

"I'm sorry.....I didn't mean to scare you." He whispered.

"You're okay." You stated in his ear lightly scratching his scalp, "Come on, let's clean you up."

You pulled away and pulled him up, minding the glass on the floor. You took him to your room, he wa shididng behind you not wanting to explain what happened. You opened your door and let him in closing it behind you, he stood facing you, his head down looking at the floor. You walked up to him and tucked the hairs behind his ear, giving a sad smile.

"После того, как вы прибрались, вы хотите перекусить и посмотреть фильм?" (After you're cleaned up, do you want to eat and watch a movie?)

He nodded with a small, sad smile as you lead him to your bathroom and began cleaning him up. You saw the blood running down his hand, the skin split, and the bruising form.

"Это будет больно." (This is going to hurt.) You sighed grabbing the Alcohol.

He looked at you and prepared for the worst. You gave him a quick kiss and poured a little bit of Alcohol on his hand, he hissed at the burning pain and held onto the bathroom sink. He was holding onto it so tight that he made a dent, releasing the wood after you wrapped his hand up. He took deep breaths and got off the sink. You kissed his forehead and led him to your closet, letting him pick out his outfit. Since he sleeps in your room some night and you sleep in his, there's both you guys clothes in each. Probably half your closets.

He took the clothes and changed in the bathroom while you ordered take out. You flipped through channels finding a movie and laid back in the bed. You felt bad for Bucky. The way he had to go through this everytime he fell asleep, it made you break into tears at times. But, you also knew you were the only one who could calm him down, bring him back to earth, to reality. He came out the bathroom in sweatpants and nothing more, his hair tucked behind his ears. You stretched out your arms and he came crawling in them, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head in the crook of your neck.

He felt safe with you. He felt at peace.

"Ты в порядке?" (You okay?) You asked, softy running your fingers through his hair.

"Я буду." (I will be.) He answered, holding you tighter, "Спасибо, что помогла мне, кукла." (Thank you for helping me, doll.)

"That's what I here for." You mumbled kissing his Jaw line, "I'll always be here, okay?"

He nodded. Just your presence makes him feel safe. He was happy he found someone who loves him, who doesn't judge him by his past. He knew he'd marry you one day, and you'd have a family with him, he'd be a dad, and life would be more than fine.

It would be his future.

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