Give me space

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Warning: ⚠️Mentions of Suicide⚠️ If that triggers anything for you please, leave. If not, then enjoy the story. I swear it ends on a good note.

P.S. This is after Endgame.

Word count: 691


"Are you sure." He asked taking a step closer.

You didn't answered him.

He took a deep breath, "Doll, you don't want to do this."

You hesitated, slowly taking a step back from the edge of the Tower. You turned your head ever so slightly so he'd be within eye range. You looked down at the floor, messing with the sleeves of your shirt. Bucky creased his eyebrows in concern, stepping a little closer once more.

"Theres nothing left for me, Bucky. Nothing." You whispered, tears clouding his vision.

"What about me? Sam? Even that kid Peter?" He questioned in a calming tone, "I know you're hurt, I am too, but this isn't the way. I've been down this road too. Just back away from the edge."

You sighed closing your eyes, "You guys are better off without me. I'm not even important."

"You are. To me. You're my everything and if I lose you then it's over for me. I was broken before but now, it'd be official. If you jump off that edge, all that you've helped me do to get here- will be gone. And I'll join you." He argued.

Tears rolled down your face, "No....I-I can't."

"No! Y/n don't do it!"

You ran for the edge only to be held back by your arms. You kicked trying to break free, screaming your lungs out. You wanted to join your brother Tony, Steve, your best friend Natasha, even your other best friend Loki. The team was gone, broken up, and never getting back together. The Tower was one big, empty, hallow shell. Nothing but a few people in it. No more fun, barley any laughs, and it's all getting to you. You've lost your mind at this point, but the only thing that kept you from the edge of the roof and death, was the man holding you back.

"Doll, listen to me!" Bucky shouted struggling to hold you back any further, "You can't!"

"I can! Let me go! I want to go!" You sobbed, "Get off me!"

Bucky pulled you back by your arms and wrapped his arms around you. You fought out for a few seconds before giving in, your cries filling the cold night air. Bucky tightened his hug, you turned your head to the side trying to shield yourself. Your teeth pressed together and your hands gripped on his wrists. You turned around and buried your head in his chest as far as you could go, he kissed your temple and let out a relived sigh.

"Why? W-why them? Why then?" You choked out.

"They saved the world. We all did. They gave their lives to make sure we still live, that's something anyone of us would've done." He mumbled his lips still pressed against your head, "That's why we have to fight. For them. You don't need to do this on your own, I'm here, you don't have to worry, doll."

"I'm sorry. I-I'm so s-sorry." You apologized, "I-......I need your help. I don't want therapists or stupid doctors, I need you. Please....."

"I'll help you, doll. Anything." He mumbled wiping the tears from your face and grabbing your hand, "Come on, let's go back inside."

He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, tears still falling from your face. He caressed the small of your back while treading to his room. Once he got there, he laid you down and turned on your favorite show. Climbing in bed next to you, he pulled you against his chest, he knew you wouldn't want to hear the speech he had right now, but you needed to hear it one day. As of now? He just wanted to hold you, take your scent in, just be in the moment with you. It scared him honestly, you leaving him was part of his nightmares.

A nightmare that almost happened.

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