TJ Hammond

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Warning: Cussing.

"You're not letting me go...are you?" You asked your mom.

"No." She responded firmly.

You wanted to leave the house. Finally get out and go somewhere. It's been 3 months, your mom found out about you hanging with the talk of the news, TJ Hammond, and grounded you for god knows how long. She kept telling you "You'll get off punishment soon" but that day dosen't seem to be coming. You did secretly have calls and FaceTime Tj but other than that, you've been stuck in that hell hole you called home.

You rolled your eyes at another loss and went up to your room. You closed the door and got out your phone and called TJ. You would've called at your usual 7:30pm time, but you need someone to talk too. Hopefully, he wasn't busy dealing with the drama in his family.

"Hello? Is...what?" He answered.

"What?" You asked confused.

"Ooooh, is this...uhm...who are you?" He asked.

He sounded like he was drunk. He always knew who you were when you called. You guys were best friends since you both could remember.

"Bubs, we talk all the time. I can't come over and see you, remember?" You stated eating another chip.

"Oh. No. Haha. Wait! You're Y/n! Oh...that makes sense." He slurred.

"You're drunk. Aren't you?"

You don't even know why you asked that question. One, he sounds like it. You know how your best friend sounds when he's not. Second, you don't blame him, if you were in the middle of his drama and situations, you'd be high or drunk too. But, you don't want to lose your best friend either.

"What?! No!....Yes? Maybe? What is that?" He questioned.

Next thing you knew, it sounded like glass shattered and a loud thud came next. You didn't want to overreact so you didn't, but, inside you were scared half to death. You out your chips down and picked up your phone.

"Owwww." He whined.

"What just happened?" You questioned.

"My bleeding. That's weird. Drip drop drip drop." He mimicked the blood dripping on the floor.

A small smile spreader across your face from his calm yet amused tone, but then it fell as you realized you needed to get to him. You got off your bed and put your earbuds in so your mom wouldn't hear your conversation. Luckily, you had on clothes and sneakers already so the only tricky part was leaving.

"Drip drop Drip drop." TJ continued mocking the blood.

"Jesus TJ." You whispered.

"Huh?....Drip....what comes after drip?" He asked yet again with a slurred tone.

"Drop. It goes drip drop." You answered focusing on where your mom was.

"Right. Drip drop drip drop..."

You saw your mom was in her office working. Her office was a couple doors down from the front door so, if you times it right, you could get out of there quickly and quietly. You slowly grabbed the keys so they wouldn't make any noise and snuck past your moms office. You opened the door and was able to slid through and close it. You got in your car and drove off to TJs house. Since his parents weren't there at the moment, it would just be you and him. You took the earbuds out your ear and put your phone on the dashboard.

"Drip drop drip drop..." He continued, mesmerized by his own blood.

"TJ. What happened?" You asked.

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