A name I won't say (Pt.2)

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It's been a couple months since you and Sebastain made your first encounter. He kept to his word and came over to your Coffee shop everyday, ordering what he loved. The Mango orange popsicle cream. Most times he gets a large but usually he has to be on a diet for a certain movie he's in, so he gets a small. He texts you when he can, he comes over to your apartment now and then, sometimes to stay the night.

You two became close friends. He introduced you to Anthony Mackie, not that you didn't already know who that was. You and Anthony became close friends as well, he'd stay over a lot more than Sebastain would but you didn't mind. He was a funny guy. He came by your shop as well. Eventually, you were introduced to everyone else, including the Russo Brothers. You were truly to most happy person on the planet, you felt like Queen of the world. Serving the customers coffee, he paid you and walked over to his table. You cashed in the money and closed the register taking another order. As you were making the coffee, your phone rang. Your face lit up seeing the name and your heart fluttered picking up the call.

"Hey, Y/n." Sebastain greeted, you could see the smile on his face.

"Hey, Seb. What's up?" You ask, putting the whip cream on the drink and serving it, "Asking to stay the night again?"

He chuckled, "No, tomorrow though. I was just wondering if you want to hang out."

You froze. You hadn't froze up as much when you and Sebastain started spending more time together, but it was times like these where those other times caught up with you.

"Yeah, sure. I'm free after 3pm, what about you?" You ask, a smile forming.

"I'm free all day, nothing to do. So, I guess I can come by the shop and wait until you're done. If you want." He throws in the last part.

"It's okay, I don't mind. You want your usual?"

"Of course."

You smile and begin to start on his drink. Adding his favorite toppimg and setting it to the side for him. You continue your job, waiting for him to show up in the meantime. When he did, he brought Anthony with him. Both men in slight disguises, most likely hiding from fans and paparazzi. They came up to you just as you finished serving the other customer.

"Boys." You smile, "How are you two?"

"Eh, I can't get acknowledged around here because Sexy seabass won't back off." Anthony huffed, leaving you in question.

Sebastain sighed shaking his head, "He said yes when I asked him to come over here with me and now he's upset because he thinks I look better than him."

"You do! Tell him, Y/n!" Anthony whined.

You shook your head grabbing their drinks, "I'm not choosing sides. That's for you two to discuss."

"Fine." Anthony mumbled, taking his drink, "Anyways, Sebastain said he's taking you out somewhere. Do you know where?"

Your eyes traveled to Sebastain seeing his face turn red and his head dropping down. That goofy and embarrassing smile taking over his face.

"No. Not a clue." You smirk.

Sebastain looked up and immediately looking away seeing your gaze on him. Anthony chuckled and walked towards a table, sipping his coffee alone the way.

"If I didn't know any better," You started, getting his attention, "You're trying to take me out on a date."

He froze, "N-no. No. I'm not it's just....a hangout."

You hummed in response and shrugged, "Okay. Well, you'll be here until I get off right?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Good. Anything you want I'll pay for it, or put it on a tab for you. Either way, don't worry about paying." You smile brightly at him and took the next costumer at the other register.

Sebastain blushed backing away and sitting down at the table with Anthony. Who was already prepared to hear Sebastains rant about how he chickened out for the millionth time. With a amused sigh, he gladly listened to his friend go on and on until he started speaking in another language.

"Și ea era chiar acolo! Stând în fața mea, cu acel zâmbet superb și nu am putut face altceva decât să privesc în altă parte tot timpul!" He ranted, his Romanian getting the better of him.(And she was right there! Standing infront of me, with that gorgeous smile and I couldn't do anything but look away the entire time!)

"Hey hey, slow down. You know I don't know Romanian. You do this everytime you get nervous.

Sebastain took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair, "Sorry. I'm just frustrated! How can I ask her our without being-"

"A dork?" Anthony finished.

"No." Sebastain glared at him, "I was going to say-"

"A dork. I know."

Sebastain sighed and turned his head twords you. He saw that smile that he fell in love with, the way you laughed, how caring you were, everything about you was amazing in his eyes. That's why he hated asking you out, he couldn't get past the first word without completely lost in you. He'd drink up every last detail about you, down to the last hair on your head. Anthony felt bad for him actually, seeing how bad his best friend would fail at asking you a life changing question. Sitting up straight, he came up with an idea. Sebastain looked over at him, immediately recognizing the mischievous look on his face. His full attention was on him now.

"Stop! STOP." Sebastain whisper-yelled, "No! Absolutely not!"

"Well, there's no other way. You can't seem to pull yourself together for it, so I'll do it for you." Anthony smiled wickedly.

"No I-"

"Y/n!" Anthony called waving you over.

"Anthony, I'm begging you." Seb said looking between you who was coming over and Anthony who sipped his coffee.

"Your choice, man."

You happily treaded over and leaned against the table, your palms supporting your weight.

"Want something else?" You asked, curiously.

"No. I want to-"

"Tell you something, Y/n." Sebastain cut off Anthony, glaring at him before facing you, "Or....ask you something...."

"What's up?"

"Will you-.......No. I just- I wanted too-"

"Oh for fucks sake! He wants to know if you'll go out with him. On a date. As a future couple. Jesus christ." Anthony breathed.

Sebastain blushed again shaking his head, "No! No I mean- only if you want too! It's totally fine if you say no I just-"

"Sure." You smile.

"-What?" Seb looked up at you.

"I said sure. What day?" You answered.

Sebastain looked between Anthony and you before smiling. His worries faded away and he felt confident again, with a quick thought he came up with an idea.

"What about today? After you get off of work, we can go out like we planned but it's a date instead?" He asked.

"Okay." You nod, looking over at the lime of customers, "Today it is. I have to go but I'll see you at 3."

You walked off and started your job again, taking orders and handing them out. Sebastain let out a breath of relief before Anthony ruined his mood again.

"Ah yeah. Chocolate saves the day and gets to be a third wheel!" He shouted, in victory.

"No Anthony-"

"Uh, yes Anthony! Come on man, I saves your ass. Again!"


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