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Warning: Cussing.

2290 words.

She came through the doors and ran to you. She collies body's and you fell to the floor with an "Oof". She laughed and hugged you tighter as you hugged her back.

"Hey Scarlett!" You said giving her a squeeze before getting up.

"Hi! What are you doing?" She asked.

Scarlett Barnes. The 6 year old that James Barnes takes great pride in. She is his world, ever since his wife died. Scarlett didn't really know her but she knew she was important. So, in her fathers time of need she was the best daughter she could be. She even got you to help.

Truth is, she loves you like a second mom.

"Well," You started looking back at the table where Clint and Tony are playing uno, "Uno. But, the aggressive version."

"SON OF A BITCH YOU CHEATED!!!" Tony screamed throwing the cards on the table.

"HEY! BONEHEAD!" You yelled pointing at the 6 year old.

"Oh, sorry. You stupid bird beak!" Tony re-worded his words.

"Let's get out of here huh?" You suggested.

She nodded her head and raised her arms up for you to pick her up. You did just that and kept her on the side of your hip as you strolled through the Tower.

"Where's your dad little one?" You asked grabbing a candy for her.

"He said he needed to go to his room. Something about searching for...tools?" She answered chewing on the butterscotch.

You sat her down on the couch and turned on the TV. You handed her the remote and had J.A.R.V.I.S watch her as you made your way to Barnes room. You knocked and he opened the door only showing his eyes. They meet yours and you can see how they softened at the sight. He opened the door wider for you to come in and then closed it.

"Whatca doin?" You asked rocking on your heels.

"I can't find it!" He responded going through his drawer.

"Find what?"

"I promised Scarlett that I'd find her toy! Without her toy there's crying, when there's crying thats a lot of make up work, when there's a lot of make up work I get stuck!" He explained using his hands then going back to looking.

He was searching and searching for that toy. You saw some kind of black and red stuffed tiger under a mountain of clothes.

"Is it Red and Black?" You asked staring right at it.

"Yes!" He answered not looking at you.

You chuckled and picked it up as you inspected it. It had this goth yet cute kind of theme to it. You went over to Bucky and tapped his shoulder. He looked over at you and smiled once his eyes landed on it.

"Ya know for a ex-assassin you're not very good at looking for toys." You stated laughing as you handed him the colored doll.

He took it and hugged you. It was like a soft yet loveable hug. You hugged him back and you both pulled away as he scanned his room. He sighed and hung his head.

"Now my room is messed up."

"I can help you." You said looking around then back at him.

"You would? Seriously?"

"Шутки в сторону." (Seriously.) You repeated with a smile.

"Спасибо." (Thank you.)

James Buchanan Barnes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now