It wasn't mercy from me.

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"He's different with me." She spoke, certainty in her voice.

"Oh yeah?" You smile, knowing full well he's doing everything you two used to do, "How so?"

"He takes me to a special place in the park," She starts off, you hide a snicker, "It's the only place we know, everyone else dosen't know about it."

"Yeah?" You asked, no longer able to hide your laughs, "Is it in the back of the park? Strawberry bushes around it? A bet he still sets the same blue blanket down and says that bullshit of a line, "This will be our special place. Just me and you." Right?"

Hannah stands up, her eyes wide and her lips in an angry frown. James has broken up with you months ago, you felt more free to do what you wanted, you felt happy that their wasn't specific rules you had to follow. Rules were never your thing. But, you used to follow them just for him. You were with him through everything, missions, nightmares, laughs, late night talking, kisses, mornings, and damn near death. Sure, you were heartbroken when he broke up with you and for a few good weeks you begged for him to take you back. But now, it was different. He was doing everything in his power to make you jealous and start begging for him again, but you were done. Begging was a bar you'd never go so low for again.

"You don't know anything about him!" She raised her voice, pointing a finger in your direction.

You stood up, the smile on your face growing even more. Everyone knew of Hannah and was rather surprised when you brushed it off so freely for the hundredth time. The team even got tired of seeing a new girl every month. Bucky would laugh when you were around, he would take her out every night, cook for her, and even take her to the spot you used to take him every time he had a nightmare on the rooftop. He was only doing everything you showed him. Mirroring every move you did. It was pathetic.

"Does he give you kisses at night? Saying how he'd never leave you? Does he cook waffles in the morning, adding the heart made of syrup ontop?" You questioned, walking twords her with your hands on your hips, "Does he take you to the beach every other week, does he call it 'Our special thing'?"

"Stop it!, you freak!" She snarled, "He loves me and he dosen't love you! I don't know what kind of stalker you are, but you better run before I come after you!"

You laughed out loud this time, stopping from walking once she hit her back on the wall. Sam came around and smiled at you, already knowing what you were doing. You did this everytime he had a new girl and he found it funny everytime. He had faith in his friend when he was with you, now he just laughs in his face when he'd do the same thing over and over.

"What'd he do this time? Take her to the beach?" Sam mocked his voice, catching the attention of both of you as you laughed harder.

"Wait- wait." You held up your hand, trying to catch your breath, "Does he give you little candy hearts on Valentines day? And then give you a card that tells you he loves you beyond the universe?"

"James!" She called, almost whined.

You and Sam wheezed. It just got funneir and funneir to you. All the girls he had would do the same thing over and over, call him for help. Sam patted your shoulder for you two to hide and watch. You nodded along and casually walked away, hiding behind the kitchen counter as you both watched the same mess unfold.

"Hannah?" Bucky furrowed his brows, seeing her around the corner near a wall, "What's going on? Why'd you scream?"

"Is it true?" She mumbled, tears welling up in her eyes, "Am I really not the special to you?"

You and Sam snickered, as you began mocking what he was going to say.

"Hannah, I don't know what they told you, but it isn't true. I only love you and you only." Bucky sighed.

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