Just come in

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Warning: None, just fluff.

Word count: 1684

EN: I got lazy around the end so forgive me, it's like 2 in the morning lol.

"So Ned gave me this Lego deathstar peice right? And as soon as I get it back from him I break it!" Peter whined starting a new conversation as he worked on his homework.

"How did you break it- FUCK. How'd you break it?" You asked focused on the game you were playing and him at the sametime.

"You know, Aunt May will kill you for saying things like that in her house. Besides, you've played that game 4 hours straight. It's 9pm." Peter spoke writing down a problem.

"I'm multitasking." You shrugged, "And Aunt May left a few minutes ago to get the pizza. She'll be back in an hour."

He hummed in response as you continued raging at the game infront of you. Stress pressing buttons until you know you've won was a stupid plan but, it was the only one you had right now. Peter sighed with satisfaction and sat up straight from laying on his stomach as he put his homework in his binder. Another A+ was surely coming his way, it always was. After a while, he started getting worried. You were off the game and now on your phone texting Nat, Peter was bouncing his leg up and down. His senses wating for the loud yelling or crash to come through. You saw this and turned to him sighing once more, sometimes you wish he wasn't so worried about him all the time. That he'd let it go and leave it be.

"Peter." You called as he looked up at you, you raised an eyebrow.

He groaned falling backwards on his bed, "I know! I know! You said not to be worried about it but how can I not!? You're dating him and he's quite scary!"

You smiled and shook your head, "He isn't going to hurt you Peter. I made sure of it. And look on the bright side, he's all the way in....another room."

"Right. That helps." He rolled his eyes sarcastically, "Just...keep him away from me. Please. He scares me!"

"Fine. I will. But I'm just saying, if you actually talk to him he'll like you. Happened with me." You shrugged.

"That's because you're you!" He whisper-yelled, "He likes you, he doesn't like me!"

"How do you even know?"

He sighs and sits back down, "Okay. Last night he was up making a Sandwich, I was hungry too. I made one with him and he eyed me the whole time! Like....stared into my soul eyed me. And when I asked him for the Blongna he walked away. He walked away, Y/n! Away!"

You held in a laugh and took a deep breath, "Try again."

He froze. That tone that you used wasn't an ordinary tone, it was one that was etched in the back of his head, one that burned in the front of his brain. One that you knew when and how to use. His eyes grew wide at your words, finally processing the sentence. If a bullet was to come and hit him right in the forehead, he wouldn't hesitate to not move. This was absurd, he couldn't possibly try again. Not with the tall Super Soldier, much stronger than him, proven scary of a man that stayed in his house for God knows how long. Not today. God, not today.

"No. Uh-uh. No way." He shook his head moving farther onto his bed, "Seriously?! Tonight?!"

"Yes. Tonight." You eyed him crossing your arms over your chest.

He backed farther away and shook his head frantically. Like a cat trapped in a corner scared to take a bath, he brought his knees to his chest and pointed to the door.

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