"If only I could give a fuck."

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⚠️Sharon. Sharon. SHARON.⚠️

For those of you who came for me in my DMs telling me I was disrespecting the actor, I am not. I just dont like the character. Learn to separate the Character from the Actor. Thx and bye <3

"Y/n L/n!"

You sighed in frustration and turned to Sharon. Since Fury has moved your partner from Tony to Sharon, she's was acting like she was in charge 24/7. It annoyed you to no end, you didn't understand why Fury did what he did, but you sure weren't happy about it. Seeing the face of the blonde, you physically had to hold back from grabbing her and nearly choking her out. You hated when she used your full name, like she had the authority, which she didn't. She was 3 levels lower than you, she wasn't even supposed to be on the mission with you but she begged Fury to give her a mission.

"Yes?" You asked, gritting your teeth and forcing a smile.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" She shouted, stopping a few feet from you, "You could've recked the entire mission!"

"Those bombs needed to be placed. It was specified by Fury, if you were listening." You quipped, trying your best not to shout.

"I was there, L/n. He said no such thing." She answered.

Your eye twitched as you sighed and grabbed your water, leaving the room before you blew a fuse. But of course, she followed you and grabbed your arm, her nails digging into your skin.

"Where do you th-"

She couldn't even finish before you knocked her out. The grip on your arm loosened as her body hit the floor, a loud thud was heard as you wiped off your arm. Your face twisting at the thought of her touching you. It wasn't necessarily being a kid and worrying about her cooties, it was more of a hated person having the audacity to hold you back from going where you wanted too. A door opened and Steve stepped out of the training room, Bucky right behind him. When he looked at you and saw Sharon on the floor, he rushed past you and to her, checking her pulse.

"What happened?! Is she okay?!" Steve asked, worry filling his system.

You sighed, "Yes, she's fine. Unfortunately."

"What? Did you do this?" He mumbled, looking up at you with shock, "Y/n! Do you know what you did? You could've hurt her or worse!"

"Kind of the point." You tilted your head at him, looking as is if he was crazy, "Besides, it's her fault. She shouldn't have held be back, instincts. I guess."

Bucky held back a smile and came to your side, grabbing your hand and planting a kiss to your temple while Steve wasn't looking.

"Was it really her fault?" He asked, whispering in your ear, "Or did you do it because you're pissed."

"Both." You answered, watching Steve stand up.

Steve hurriedly called the Medic field and asked for their help. Quicker than you expected, they came from upstairs and picked her up onto a stretcher, hurrying back downstairs to check up on her. Sighing with slight relief, you began walking back to your room until Steve called your name. Groaning again, you turned around and watched his face harden with what looked like anger. Steve wasn't one to get angry but when he did, it wasn't a pretty sight, he scared Tony with that look. For you, you weren't fazed you thought he'd give you more of of angry look but it stayed the same, his face covered in anger. Bucky raised his eyebrows, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood beside you, trying not to grin.

"Uh oh, I haven't seen that face since the fight with Tony." Bucky spoke, forcing back a smile.

You tried your best not to laugh or anything, so your gripped your water bottle behind you to distract you from that.

"Y/n." Steve said, his voice clear as day, "You could've hurt her, badly. Do you understand what you've done? How far it could've went if you didn't stop there? You could've hurt her, Y/n. That wasn't right."

You rolled your eyes at his Captain America voice, "If only I could give a fuck."

He gritted his teeth. Annoyance clearly taking over his features.

"She is not your partner anymore, you're moved back to Tony. You are not to go anywhere near her until I say. Do you understand?" He growled.

Mentally, you smiled and did a victory dance. You were so tired of her being with you all the time, she even started to come to dinner with the rest of the team because she felt invited. Physically, on the outisde, you nodded with understanding as you and Bucky continued down to your room. Once you two were in, you closed the door and did a little dance, happy that she was no longer your partner. Bucky chuckled at your happiness and grabbed your waist, pulling you to his chest.

"Was that your plan?" He asked, looking down at you.

"No." You shook your head, "It should've been though. It would've been an awesome plan."

He hummed in response and kissed your forehead, "How was the mission?"

"Eh," You shrugged, "Could've done it solo."

"Well, at least you don't have her anymore." Bucky smiled, kissing the tip of your nose.

You nodded, "Yeah. And now I'm free."

He let out a breathy laugh and kissed your lips, savoring the taste of your tongue before pulling away. He left to go shower as you jumped on your bed, comfortable in the sheets as you sighed with content. Today wasn't as stressful as you'd thought it be.

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