Less of you

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"You fuckers!" You shouted pushing Tony by his chest, "You left him there to rot in that hell hole!"

"Y/n, he said to not go back for him." Steve interjected pulling you from Tony.

You grabbed his hand that had a firm grip on your shoulder and flipped him over so you had his arm in a tough position. One hand had a grip on his wrist and another pushed his face down, he was on one knee and groaning in pain as you pulled on his arm.

"YOU COULD'VE WENT BACK FOR HIM!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO STICKING WITH EVERYONE?!" You shouted, your voice got deeper as you got more and more angry.

You are somewhat like Wanda. Found experimented on by H.Y.D.R.A, your home was demolished in the Altron incident, and Fury took you in. Instead if levitation and mind manipulation like Wanda, you create balls of electricity. You can use any form of element for your use, you can see what someone is truly feeling like a ghost of themselves next to them, and you can blow anything up if you get angry enough. In this case, you were close. Fury practically raised you before anyone knew about you. When he introduced you to the team, they accepted you as family, as one of their own. But no one accepted you more that Bucky, your best friend and boyfriend, one who understood you more than anyone else. You guys were close, he saw you as someone he can trust with his life, someone who wouldn't judge him or be scared if what he's become.

"We couldn't go back Y/n! It was now or never!" Clint shouted.

You turned your head to face him as you pupils dialed and your eyes turned black, "Bullshit."

Your hair floated for a good 3 seconds as your gritted your teeth and pulled on Steve's arm before Fury came in. He dangled the file infront of you and raised his eyebrow. You growled in response.

"You gonna let him go or do you not want the location on Barnes?" He asked placing the file on the table.

"Fine." You responded unmoved.

You dropped Steve and walked over to Fury as he pulled up the security tapes on the mission. Your eyes turned back to your normal (E/C) ones as you leaned on the metal table placing both palms on it.

"This is what we have so far, we got the tape this morning. They were right. Y/n." Fury spoke, "If they didn't leave when they did, they would've died. Now, what you're about to see will effect you emotionally. Just aim for the wall and not this face alright?"

"Just play it." You stated glaring at the screen.

He pressed play and you took a deep breath preparing yourself for what you were about to witness.

"Move move move!"

Steve, Tony, Clint, and Bucky were in the clear for moving North. You saw this as a set up, you knew this was a set up, you weren't even there and you had an odd feeling about it.

"Bucky look out!"

You huffed at the camera. Steve warned Bucky but he was ambused. Tazed. Taken away. So we're the others. You gripped the metal table leaving light dents on it.

"Soldier. Welcome back."

"Where are they?!"

"Taken away. It's just you."

They put a muzzle on his face lifting him up by his arms after putting a needle in his neck. Cuffs tied around his wrists behind his back as they dragged him to another room. The other broke out a few minutes later and found Bucky in a room surrounded by multiple agents. Fury and Steve were right, if they didn't leave it wouldn't have been pretty.

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