The Stars

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Requested by dianstilinski

Warning: Cuteness and a little Cussing

Word count: 753

Sitting in your window, you watched as the stars in the sky twinkled and sparkled with every passing second. You legs dangling off the edge of the 23rd floor, you felt comfortable. You felt at peace. You do this whenever you can, if you're not on a mission, or eating dinner, or even just talking with your friends. You do this to feel okay, like things will get better because sometimes- it doesn't feel that way. You were about to call quits when a knock came to your door.

You swinged yourself to the other side of the window and walked twords your door. You opened it to find your best friend, crush, and hype man, Bucky standing there with M&Ms in his hand.

"Hey doll, busy?" He asked as you let him in.

"Nope. Just got done watching the stars, what's up?" You asked stealing an M&Ms from his metal hand.

"Can I watch with you? Sam took over the TV tonight." He grumbled rolling his eyes.

"Sure." You shrugged as you both moved to your window.

You sat on the edge like last time and Bucky had his elbows on the frame, his hands supporting his head. He was indeed scared you might fall, but he also knew of your incredible balance on things. A shooting star passed by and you immediately closed your eyes with a wish, Bucky chuckled and did the same. You both opening them on time.

"It's really beautiful out here." Bucky whispered eating more M&Ms.

"It is. Sometimes I wish the night could last forever." You sighed looking at him with a tired smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I wish the stars could be out here all the time, the sun is nice don't get me wrong, but just....night itself."

"I see." He stated tapping his chin. He never had the best experiences with night, all the evil creeps out then. Reminding him much of himself, "But, if the sun dosen't show up, then plants would die. Trees would fall, grass would die, basically anything that needs the sun, would die."

You looked over at him and creased your eyebrows in thought. He was right, most things in this world would die without the sun and most things would be just fine without the sun. But the world works around a certain schedule of it's own, a schedule that everyone knows. You didn't want to hit Bucky so you flipped off the frame and sat on your bed.

"I guess. The sun is better huh?" You asked looking up at him.

He shook his head with a smile at your sudden action and sat next to you, "I guess it is. But you know what's better?"

"No. What?"


You laughed. He realized that you didn't take that seriously and with a quick and low "Ah" he continued eating the M&Ms.

"That was almost better than the breakfast one!" You chuckled, "But seriously, what's better?"

He laughed, "I'm serious! That wasn't a joke."

"It- It wasn't?"

"No doll, it wasn't."

You slapped your hand to your mouth covering it. The moment you've been waiting for when he wasn't joking, when he would actually catch feelings for you. You thought I'd just be another fairy-tale in your head that you created, another scene that you fantasized at night. He tilted his head to the side watching you in a amusement. He loved you, with all his heart. What he didn't know was the way you felt about him. How you'd daydream and write or laugh at the scenes in your head.

"You're serious? Right?" You asked one more time.

"Yes. I am. I love you with every part of me Y/n, I want you to be mine. I want to wake up next to you every morning, I want to be able to hold you, I want us to get married, raise a family, grow old. Everything in between." He spoke rather softly.

You shut your eyes closed and screamed in your hand before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down on the bed with you. He laughed as he took you into his embrace just as tight.

"I'll take is as....a yes?" He asked.

You nodded your head rather eagerly, "I love you."

He kissed the side of your head then moved a bit to kiss you properly.

"I love you too."

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