Stay awake

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Hey, hello, Hola, hi. I've been out for a few days due to me being sick 🥲

But I'm back! And what better way to start off my return with a sad story?

Pls don't kill me :)

Short but enjoy!!


She hit the floor.

Blood pooling around her body, sticking to her skin. Her hair was soaked in her own liquid. Her mother at her side, balling her eyes out as she held her 6 year old daughter. The H.Y.D.R.A agent lowering his weapon and you. Oh you. You froze mid fist in the air ready to punch the guy out, but you were to slow. Bucky was behind you, just as stuck as you were. The agent pushed you back into Bucky, both of you stumbled back, hitting the floor. Bucky had a hand ontop of your head, one around your waist, and you sat in between his legs. He protected you from the impact of the fall, tightly.

You didn't though, your eyes were glued to the kid who fell to the floor. Lifeless. And you let her. You started to shake in Bucky's grasp, breathing hard for air to enter your lungs, Bucky only held you tighter burying his head in the crook of your neck. He knew how you felt, he felt like this anytime he'd get a new memory back or had a nightmare and god did he pray that you wouldn't feel this way. But you are, right this second you were falling apart, guess he didn't pray hard enough. You started mumbling to yourself, your body shaking violently and completely forgetting about the new H.Y.D.R.A agents that showed up. Bucky heard every word that came out your mouth, he wish he didn't.

"Don't go there, doll. It wasn't your fault, it was his. Don't blame yourself. Please." He whispered slightly rocking you.

Steve, Tony, and Nat all came and helped you two take down another set of agents. Nat took one glace at you and she swore that the whole world heard her shatter to a million peices.

"I wasn't fast enough....I didn't save her....Oh god, please be a dream." You whispered tangling your fingers in your roots.

"YOU!" Someone shouted.

You looked around and saw the mother point at you standing up, blood covering her dress, knees, shoes, and hands. She didn't dare move and walk up to you, but she was furious.

"YOU LET MY DAUGHTER DIE!!!" She shouted.

You whimpered only for Bucky to hold you tighter, "N-no I-"

"HOW COULD YOU?! HEROS SAVE PEOPLE, HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!" She spat looking back down at her daughter, "What am I going to tell her father?"

You sobbed and shook more, gripping your hair like your life depends on it, "Please be a dream. Please be a dream."

Buckys heart broke for you, he's never seen you so down, so sad, or even just broken. You've always been the cheery type, the type that helped him through his tough times over and over again. He loved his hand from the top of your head and wrapped them both around your waist, pulling you closer in his lap.

"Ш, все в порядке. Послушай меня, это не твоя вина." Bucky mumbledin your ear trying to drown out the lady.(Sh, it's okay. Listen to me, it's not your fault.)


You shook your head, this wasn't right. You've never let anyone die by your hands, you've never failed before, and you've never felt so much anger in your life. That little girl had so much to live for, she had so much life left, and you took it away from her. The lady continued rant while you eyed the agent that shot the bullet, how he backed up into the mist while the rest were fighting off the one's protecting him. You screamed in frustration, the loudest most meaningful scream that ever left your throat, Bucky jumped and let go of you in the process. You wasted no time, you jumped up and while still screaming, ran after the guy. Your feet going faster than you thought. You caught up to the agent and punched him left and right, your knuckles bleeding from the impact on his leather. You kicked him multiple times before kicking his Jaw and pulled out your gun, you shot the man. Not once, not twice, not three times, but twenty times. Anywhere and everywhere. Bucky had to pull you off the guy and held you close, the anger inside of you slowly retracting back into sadness. You dropped the gun and buried your face in his chest, sobbing loudly.

He just kissed the top of your head and held you tighter. You hugged him 10 times more tighter, practically squeezing the oxygen out his body. He picked you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist and buried your head in the crook of his neck, sniffing and hiccuping through your breathing. He never let go of you the whole way home and then some, he didn't let go of you all day. You two just spent the rest of the day in his room holding each other. Once you fell asleep from crying pit your energy, that's when Bucky dropped a few tears as he watched your face turn from utter pain to a peaceful state. He tucked a hair behind your ear and kissed your temple, a quick yet slow kiss. He poured all his love and sympathy into that one kiss, he buried his head in your neck this time. Between you and the pillows. Unconsciously, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer. He hushed his cries and eventually fell into sleep with you, but saying 2 words before he did. 2 words that you say to him all the time after his episodes-

"I'm sorry."

James Buchanan Barnes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now