I love you no matter what

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Warning: Cussing and Sharon


Request was from Buckys_b1tch, it was actually a really good idea lol. I do take requests, don't know why I didn't say it before but I did now.

P.S. Sharon is annoying here. Like everywhere else.

The mission was to befriend him, get the information,and get out.

Why the hell would Fury assign Sharon with your team? You don't know. Actually, you don't know a lot. She just showed up at the Jet saying she was assigned and everyone exchanged glaces before groaning and letting her in.

No one likes her.

It wasn't hard to ignore her words and arguments, you guys did it 24/7. Sure, she sort of helped out in D.C and in Siberia, but she was only doing it for Steve. And Steve saw this way to soon. He dosen't even know why he kissed the bitch. She hated you the most, her eyes were on Barnes and her plan was to split you two apart. She sat next to Sam who tried not to gag and on the other side was Tony who also tried not to say anything. You were sitting next to Nat and a wall. The only people on this mission was You, Nat, Tony, Sam, Sharon, and Bucky.

The plan was simple.

The Jet landed in a near by forest so no one would hear you as you all got ready to get out and finish the mission. You guys put your comms in your ear and the recorder in your suit. Blending in perfectly incase any of you have different peices of information for anyone. You were paired up with Sharon, yay. Bucky was paired up with Sam and Tony was paired up with Nat. You guys left the Jet and came into a circle waiting for the info. Tony and Sam pulled up screens showing the inside of the building. It wasn't H.Y.D.R.A, no, there are plenty of other threats besides them and this, this was one of them.

"Okay, it's late which means eveyone should be home by now." Tony stated, "Our guy is on the 7th floor 6th door on your left, he's working a late shift."

"I'm picking up around 20 heat signatures including him, we get in and get out." Sam ordered.

You all nodded and left to the Tower. Sharon was going on and on about...something. You didn't really know since your able to block her out. But somehow, she got in your head at an unexpected time. You took out your grappling gun and shot it to the 7th floor. It was gripped on somewhere and you tugged on it making sure you wouldn't fall. Sharon did the same but she was still going on and on about irrelevant shit.

"So, I told Fury-"

"Be quiet and be stealthy. I'm not trying to be rude here, but you talk to much." You intrupeted her.

She rolled her eyes and made a face of discust.

"I mean seriously, how could he love you? You're so....weird." She hissed as you two started to climb but you cane to a stop.

"Just shut the fuck up and keep moving. We have to get this done." You said ignoring her comment.

She used her rope to be side by side with you. Oh how you wanted to just kick her off right then and there, but you guys were almost to the 7th floor and there was no time for goofing off. This mission was important to Fury, it has to do with saving the world, which means if the team fucks it up, the world is done for.

"I'm just saying, if I was Barnes, I wouldn't have chosen a person who can't get pregnant. How is he going to start a family now? He's gonna move on one way or the other, and I'll be here when he does. Which is soon. Weirdo." She spat as she kept moving towards the window.

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