Make it like it is

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It wasn't a bridge to society. It was a bridge to a whole new world, a world that you'd soon see. Your sword was in one hand and your other hand balled into a fist. You looked at Thor, your brother as you saw nothing but excitement in his eyes.

"This feels wrong brother, why is Loki not invited on this journey?" You asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Please, Loki will be nothing of a neusense to our...plan." He spoke unsure of the words coming out his mouth, "Besides, if you can lift Mjölnir, things will be great!"

"Still, it feels none other than betrayal to do this." You responded looking at the Bifrost infront of you, "Heimdall, if you could be so kind as to let Loki know I'm leaving on a trip, that will be greatly appreciated."

"As you wish." Heimdall replied.

"You'll love the mortals down there! So helpless, weak, yet ridiculous they all are!" Thor spoke with a smile.

"They sound horrible. Yet, I must know more!" You spoke rather surprised of yourself.

"Indeed, you will love Earth!"

You smiled at your brother and jumped into the Bifrost. A couple seconds in and you've arrived at the Stark Tower Thor always speaks of. Instead of at the front doors, you two landed in the middle of their living space. Thor standing still, as you slowly got up from your knee looking around.

"Jesus Thor! You can't do that!" A man shouted, "We talked about this! If you're going to wreak my Tower you will fix my Tower."

"Ah, see? Mortals are so ridiculous." Thor said patting your back.

A metal arm man, a guy with arrows, another guy with a glowing thing in his chest, a guy with a shield, and a typical red head all sitting in the same area. A smile graced your lips as you put your sword on your back and put your hands on your hips.

"Sif would be proud." You stated gazing at the people infront of you.

"Indeed she would," Thor said taking in a deep breath, "Anyways, this is the Man of Metal, Arrow boy, Widow of Spiders, Man of Metal 2.0, and Man of America."

"Tony, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, and I'm Steve." So called Steve, said sticking out his hand as you took it, "Firm grip you have there."

"Yes, I'm never good with names." Thor mumbled to himself creasing his eyebrows.

"I'm Y/n, daughter of Odin- second daughter of Odin." You spoke letting go of Steves hand.

"So, brothers with a god huh? Are you a god?" Clint asked.

"Indeed she is! My sister has traits of a god! She can wield Mjölnir, she has the strength of me, and the brain of my father!" Thor bragged.

Before anyone could say anything, a boy appears infront of you hanging from the ceiling. Everyone was quick to back away as well as you, but you drew your sword first. Aiming it at the boy, he got off the somewhat sticking line and raised his hands in surrender.

"Woah woah! I'm just here to say Hi!" He spoke with a rather worried tone.

"Kid!" Tony sighed with relief.

"The man of Spiders!" Thor shouted.

"Spider-man....actually." He corrected, "M-my names Peter, you?"

You put your sword on your back and stick out your hand as he took it and you both smiled, "Y/n."

You both pulled away as a conversation broke out between everyone. You eventually got bored and decided to walk the halls of the Tower, it was nothing like the Kingdom of Asgard but it was rather big in your opinion. You were happy you got to get out of Asgard for once and explore other relmes and worlds. Thor always talked about his adventures when he got back. How he'd go to Nidavellir, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, and even here, Earth. It was true, Mortals are helpless and ridiculous but they are also intriguing. They have a short life span unlike you and Thor.

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