Laced with you (Pt.2)

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You guys asked for more so hear ye hear ye-

It's part 2 ×_×

You sat on the edge of your new bed, taking in your room. It was much bigger than your room in Bucharest, but you also preferred smaller spaces. It made you feel more on edge than uneasy. Bucky's room was next to yours, he told you that he's had one before but you didn't think he meant here, that's why you foudn that comment so dumb. You sighed and walked across the wooden floor and out your room into a much bigger area. A Tower. There had to have been millions of floors on the thing. You felt uncomfortable, this wasn't how you used to live, even in the orphanage.

"Hey." Steve waved from next to you.

You rolled your eyes and gave a cheeky smile waving back, "Bye."

He sighed and jogged over infront of you, stopping you in the middle of the room. You closed your eyes to get a grip of yourself and looked up at him, trying your best to hide the anger.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. It does take some getting used too, but it's a safe place for you and your father. I promise." He smiled warmly, throwing an arm around your shoulder and giving a side hug.

You pushed his arm off and turned to him, "Don't get familiar. We're not friends, only you and my father have that. Back off."

He nodded and put his hands up in defense, "Alright. Okay. Just call me if you need anything."

"Sure! Won't."

He walked away and down the hall, you rubbed your temples and walked the Tower as well. Hands stuffed in your pockets as you memorized everything going on. You fished out your phone from your back pocket and dialed the number.


"Parker." You smile a bit, "You said you lived here, where are you?"

"Oh! Yeah, no uhm, I'm coming. Just last minute project stuff. You're already there?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. Or I wouldn't be asking." You huffed.

"Right. Sorry. Okay, I'm coming. Just...4 minutes awa-" His sentence was cut off after a loud bang.

"Peter? Peter what did you do?" You questioned, a bit panicked.

"N-nothing. Nothing, I just agh, I ran into a pole. Aunt May was right, don't swing and call." He sighed.

You chuckled, "Hurry up."

"Will do."

You hung up and patiently waited for your friend. You and Peter met in the orphanage, he was there for 3 days until someone came to get him. He was the fastest to get adopted in that place, that was until you realized he wasn't actually abandoned. His parents died and his Aunt came to take care of him. When he was there, you were the one to keep him in a good mood. He was never down the entire time he stayed, so when you two met up again in High-school you immediately exchanged numbers. Then, you had to leave him again to go to Bucharest. Not before you two revealed your secrets about your father and his powers. You went back to your room and closed the door, you jumped when you saw your dad sitting on your bed and taking in your room as well.

"Jesus, dad! Seriously, stop doing that." You spoke, grabbing your chest and evening out your breath.

"Sorry, baby. Just...looking at your room I guess." He smiled.

"My room? There's nothing special in here, it's just a room. I haven't even started decorating yet." You raised a brow.

"No, I know. But, still...nice room."

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