You're the best

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RUBYWOLF06 asked for more of these, so why not?

Word count: 1679

Warning: Cussing and possible cringe

You were sitting in your room talking to Clint. The door was closed so you two could talk in private, it wasn't a "I like like so let's make out" thing, it was a "We really need to talk" thing. The conversation was almost over when a yell filled your ears. The same annoying voice you've lived with for 70 plus years.


James Buchanan Barnes, your brother. He's protective of you, so protective that you can't even eat something without him knowing what it was. You went under with Steve, trained by Natasha, and ordered around by Fury. Life, was somewhat simple with you. But what wasn't, was your brother. He was a pain in your ass, always around 24/7, never leaves you alone unless your sleep, and even then he'd wake you up. But, he was also the best brother you could ask for. On your bad days, he'd make your favorite food, buy lots of junk food, and play the (movie of your choice) marathon. He'd make sure you were okay, he'd make you laugh, hug you all the time, and stayed close making sure your comfortable. He was a huge teddy bear, who was also a scared soul. Sometimes, when he has nightmares he'd come to your room and lay with you, hold you close, and protect you. When you hear he had a nightmare overnight, you'd make him his favorite and play his favorite movies. Just like he'd do, you'd make sure he was comfortable and relaxed. You'd make sure he was okay.

"Give me a minute?" You asked, more of a order.

"I don't have a choice. He's scary when he wants you." Clint chuckled popping a gummy bear in his mouth.

You got up and opened your door finding Bucky with his fist raised, about to knock. You shook your head with an amused smile, his face was full of anger. He held up a bag of Cheetos, an empty bag of Cheetos. His Winter Soldier training kicked in and he inspected you, his eyes scanning your face, fingers, and clothes.

"Do you know, what this is?" He growled.

"I'm guessing a empty Cheetos bag but hey, I might be wrong." You said sarcastically, "Why?"

He scoffed, "Why? Why?! I'll tell you why. I left this bag in the kitchen yesterday, right on the counter, I come back today and find it empty. Last I checked, you were the last one in the kitchen and you made breakfast."

"Yeah, so?" You huffed letting him in.

"So?! It means that-" He paused, seeing Clint in your beanbag chair, "Why- why are you in my chair?"

Clint froze, "Your chair?"

"Yes, my chair!" He mocked, "Y/n! The fuck is going on?! Are you rebelling against me?!"

You sighed sitting on your bed criss cross. You pinched the bridge of your nose and looked up at him, "You're being ridiculous, Buck."

"No! No I'm not!" He stated pointing a finger, "First you eat my Cheetos, then you lie, and then you have bird brain sit in my chair! You are being ridiculous!"

You were about to say something when he dropped the bag and stormed out the door. You watched the 5 year old storm off and slam his door, Clint jumped and immediately got up.

"We can talk later right?" He asked, "I need a place to hide before he comes after me. The vents are calling, Y/n."

You let out a small laugh, "Yes. We can continue later."

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