Healing takes time

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P.S. When you're sick, you get a lot of inspiration for writing. Hint, the title.

Warning: Sadness, Cussing, and mentions of gore.

Rumlow gave your head a light pat casuing you to flinch. They named you Scar, only because when you're needed to kill, you make them suffer, you make them beg for you to stop. You hated killing people, innocent people didn't deserve it. You wanted to snap each and every neck in the base, have them bleed out on the floor. But, you couldn't if you tried, they had to much power on you right now, they had to much hold. You hated "Scar" you like your real name. The one they took away from you, the one that they buried deep underneath all their other secrets.

Rumlow opened the two steel doors revealing the Winter Soldier. The ghost story, the mass murderer, boogeyman even. But, you knew the truth. Under all his tough skin, he was soft, hurt, scared, and even confused at times. They put his brain in the blender over and over, they even put him in Cryo if he figures out to much. To much that the machine can't wipe it all. He gestured for you to go inside and you did as told, the Soldiers eyes scanned you then immediately went stiff when Rumlow walked in. Peirce was sitting infront of the Soldier when he noticed you coming in.

"Good, you're here. You're job is to watch over him incase he decides to pull another stunt. If he remembers to much, wipe him." Peirce ordered as they left the room.

That's it? You were supposed to watch the Soldier and then hurt him if he remembers to much? That's unfair, both to him and you. Your job was to be sent out on missions, the action, the targets, not be a watch dog. You slid down the wall and onto the floor, your knees up to your chin and the Soldier watching your every move. His facial expression said "Help" all over it. But, you couldn't. Not here, not now at least.

Your collar was bugging you, your muzzle bugging you more,  it was so you couldn't kill without permission, or if you tried to kill one of their own. You snatched thr muzzle off your face, your temper getting the best of you. You pulled and yanked at the collar, it wasn't budging. You groaned in frustration, being the head of H.Y.D.R.As pet sucks. Really sucks. The Soldier noticed your movements but debated on saying anything.

"God I hate this place." You mumbled giving up on taking off the collar.

You let your legs hit the floor while you were still on the wall. You looked at the Soldier and tilted your head to the side a little. Your not much of a talker but when you are, you know who to shut up when you get on people's nerves.

"They mess with you to huh?"

*Buckys POV*

"They mess with you to huh?" She asked.

It was weird, how she was paying absolutely no attention to me. She was assigned to watch, why wasn't she watching? I've heard of her, Scar. They say she has people beg for mercy and kills without hesitation, so why does she seem so nice? Her head was still tilted, I wasn't aloud to say a word. She wasn't wrong though, this place does suck. It more than sucks. They mess with me all the time, wipe me, torture me, I'm like a puppet on a string. They haven't wiped me in a while, only beacuse they say they took me out of Cryo. This stupid arm, that's the problem.

I try clawing it off, but it dosen't work. It's attached to me. Like it was actually part of me, it's nothing but a curse. My life is nothing but a curse.

"I get it, you're not allowed to talk. Neither am I." She chuckled, "I'm so gonna get in trouble."

Yet again, she acts like there's nothing to be scared of. This, this place is full of people who don't care what happens to you. So why? Why act like there's nothing to be afraid of?

James Buchanan Barnes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now