Old memories

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Bucky got out of his bed, realizing that not even sleep could solve his problems. He left his room and headed to the Training room as he began doing his normal routine.

Punch until you can't anymore.

Recently, he's been getting some memories of his days in H.Y.D.R.A back. And recently, all he's been getting back was a girl who was with him wherever he went. So far at least. He couldn't place her face, but her voice was beautiful. His assumptions were that she was working with him on missions, maybe, or maybe she was being held captive there. He wasn't really sure anymore. As he continued mercilessly punching the bag over and over, he came to a dead stop.


"Зима....мы когда-нибудь выберемся отсюда?" She whispered next to him. (Winter....will we ever get out here?)

He only hugged her tighter in response. She was so close to her happy place, so close to closing those E/C eyes and falling into her own world of peace. It was her only escape, her only way out the cell that traps them from the inside out. He kissed her temple and rubbed her back a bit, the only effection he shows is with her. He swore to protect her with his life, though she was capable of defending herself he wasted no second with her. He wasn't letting her go. Not in this lifetime.

"Один день. Просто спи, я тебя разбужу до того, как они сюда приедут." He whispers quietly. (One day. Just sleep, I'll wake you before they get here.)

She held up her pinky and a small smile cracked on his face. He wrapped his pinky around hers and kissed it before she fell into her own world. Peaceful.


He stumbled back a bit, holding onto the chain for support. He took a few deep breaths soaking in the memory before he went back to punching the back. Each punch had a different emotion within them, weather it was anger, sadness, despair, happiness, or even depression. It was just different everytime. The sweat built up on his face, he eventually gave up and laid on the mat. His hair spreaded in the most angelic way possible, his arms out and his legs spread just a bit. His cheat rose and fell with each deep breath he took gathering himself more and more. He saw her face, briefly. E/C eyes, H/C hair, and a tattooed butterfly on the back of her hand. Possibly linked to the name H.Y.D.R.A gave her, like they gave the metal arm to Bucky that made him the Winter Soldier. He closed his eyes remembering the exact way she was positioned on him and sighed with slight relief. He dosen't know if she's alive. That's what bothered him most. He wanted to know if she was okay, even if she was dead...is she resting in peace? With no more problems? No more agony? No more pain?

His thoughts were interrupted when Steve came in. He walked over to Bucky, stepping in the ring and standing over him.

"You know I hate when people stand over me." Bucky spoke, his voice softer than he expected.

"I know, sorry." Steve mumbled stepping back a bit, "I just came to tell you....Tony came back from his mission with another.....enemy."

Bucky was silenty relived that he was okay. Even though him and Stark had their differences, they both quietly cared for eachother. Didn't matter how many insults or problems were brought up. They protected eachother without knowing the other one did the same.

"Why are you telling me this?" Bucky questioned standing up.

"Uhm, well....he told me to come and get you. She's a sneaky one. And seeming as though it's 4pm, you're usually here." Steve answered rubbing the back of his neck.

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