"Again?" (Pt.2)

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You were light on your feet. Nothing could be heard but the sound of pained groans and bodies hitting the floor. You dropped the last guy and kicked him over, searching through his pockets for the key card. Once you had it, you opened the doors and stepped in, immediately hiding in the shadows. Bucky and Steve were quick to follow, looking around for you until you stepped out the shadows and infront of a computer. Bucky smiled at your silent movements, impressed that he actually couldn't hear you.

"There. The entire Tower is down." You spoke, stepping back from the keyboard almsot in a scared manner.

"What? That fast?" Steve questioned, "You got past JARVIS and everything? Firewalls, back up security?"

You nodded, "Simple coding. Almost pathetic work to whoever made it."

Bucky almsot busted out laughing, covering his mouth before he gave away you guy's spot. Steve smiled and shook his head before all three of you stood infront of the door. A groan coming from the both of them.

"What? Open the door." You uttered.

"See, we would." Bucky started, "But we can't."

"Why not?" You ask, "From the looks of it it's a fingerprint scanner. Since I took out the power it shouldn't be a problem opening the doors."

"True. But we've tried. Power went out once and we thought it'd be no problem getting in and out but....these are reinforced doors. Even if the power goes out there's still an electrical wall covering it." Steve explained.

"I thought he was lying. Until I tried it myself and got shocked. Arm wouldn't stop bugging out for weeks." He gave a small smile, waving his metal arm up and down.

You smiled and giggled a bit from his childish movement and sighed, "Let me handle this. You two figure out how to save your friends."

The two nodded as you stepped infront of the door. You rested your pointer finger on the center of the door and gave off a a shock of electricity. The small shock spread out into a million different ones, each volt making the door close in on itself until it blew off it's hinges. The gust of wind blew in your face as you stepped into the room, faces of different people turning twords you.

"Steve! James!" A guy exclaimed, a relived smile on his face.

"Who are you?" A red head asked.

You ignored her and went for the H.Y.D.R.A agents surrounded them. You slid between one's legs and kicked his from under him. He landed on his chin and you quickly stepped above him taking a handful of hair in your hand and lifted his head up. You grabbed the knife from the side of your leg and slit his throat quickly before another one came. Bucky and Steve quickly helped their friends free and started fighting with you, the fight eneded rather fast with their help. After Steve dragged the last body into a corner, a hand was placed on your shoulder. You grabbed it and flipped them over making them land on their back, a pained groan leaving their lips.

"Y/n!" Bucky shouted, jogging twords you, "Let him go. He's not a threat, he's just.....a Sam."

You let Sam go and backed away slightly behind Bucky, eyeing him up and down. Sam got up and grabbed his shoulder, his face falling into a frown.

"Who is she and why did you get her?" He asked, snapping his head twords Bucky.

"She's Y/n and she came to help us save your ass, dumbass." Bucky quipped, "It's not over either, their everywhere."

"Hey!" A brown shouted, "Someone hacked into JARVIS and shut him off! They got past my firewalls and everything. Bastards."

"That's Tony. He's the genius who created the Tower." Bucky whispered to you.

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