Sebastain Stan: Home.

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I realized I haven't done one of my baby cinnamon roll, so here's one :)

Warning: Short and Sweet.

Word count: 789

You were sitting on your couch flipping through channels sighing. The movie you were supposed to star in was postponed until further notice due to your director being in the Hospital. You wished him your best honestly, he was your director since you first started acting. Since you first invested in the career.

Your phone rang and you saw your boyfriends name pop up, 'Sebby'. Smiling at it, you answered him and put the phone on speaker. You missed him. He went on a trip to finish off his new movie, "We have always lived in a Castle". He's been gone for a good 3 months now and you've been a little lonely. You'd wear his hoodies, his cologne, and even his shirts to keep you sane and not break down- so far so good.

"Hey Seb!" You cheered, taking your phone and maneuvering over to the kitchen, "What's up?"

"Hey baby, just checking up. Seeing how you're doing." He chuckled at your excitement.

You paused. The voice of a scheme, he was up to something and he sounded giddy. You squinted your eyes in thought as you continued to make yourself popcorn.

"What's going on? You got that scheme tone." You pointed out, "You better not be using my credit card to buy Buckybears again."

He laughed, "No. I'm not. Just-...happy."

"Happy about what? Did I miss your birthday?! Is it August already?!" You panicked.

"No sweetheart, it's still April. Your obviously not checking the calendar." He huffed, trying to sound firm.

"Yeah well, I'm a bit behind on time since the movie is postponeded until further notice. I'm bored now." You laughed.

There was silence.

"Seb? You okay?" You called.

"Hm? Yeah! I'm fine, hold on I wanted to say something-"


"Uh- okay?" You questioned flipping through channels again.

The knob on your front door turned and your head whipped around watching it creek open. Before you knew it, in came Sebastain. Holding his phone in his hand and his bags in the other, shutting the door behind him. He dropped his bags and looked at you with a sly smile.

"In person. Did I forget to say that?" He joked.

You squealed and jumped from the couch and into his arms. You held him tight. Missing the comfort of his hugs that he'd oh so be willing to give out. He chuckled yet again, kissing the top of your head and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"How's my babygirl?" He mumbled, his lips still on your head.

You just let out a tearful laugh as you pulled away. He studied you, seeing the hoodie and shorts, your hair (in a style of your choice), and the perfect smile he longed to see.

"I'm fine. More than fine now that you're here." You laughed wiping your eyes.

Sebastain stepped forward cupping your face in his palms and wiping the extra tears for you. After, giving you a much needed, longing, and loving kiss. He smiled into it forgetting how sweet you tasted and pulled away picking you up. Walking over to the couch, you in his lap, his kissed your temple watching the TV. You guys talked about your day, work, how much you've missed each other, and so on so forth. It was a day of fun actually. He remembered you saying how bored you were so he made popcorn, candy, and put on a movie. You laid ontop of him since he was laying across the couch, he had one arm around your shoulders and the other was for munching on junk food.

There was a peaceful silence between you two, your eyes were getting heavier and heavier. You weren't tired until his heart beat soothed you in that direction, like a lullaby for a baby. Sebastain saw how sleepy you were getting and held you tighter.

"Vrei să faci un pui de somn?" (Want to take a nap?) He whispered, just enough for you to hear.

"Vă rog." (Please.) You mumbled in the crook of his neck.

He smiled with satisfaction, taking you to the shared room. He laid down next to you, kissing your forehead, and brought you closer to him. Both your legs tangled up together. He stroked your hair gently and rubbed your back. You missed how he could have you fall asleep anytime in the day, it only took these simple moves and your whole system is tired.

"Noapte buna iubire." (Goodnight love.) He cooed in your ear.

"Noapte bună bubba." (Goodnight bubba.)

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