Why would he do that?

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- ⚠️Abusive relationship. If it triggers you, skip or leave. It gets better in the end but still, if it triggers you please leave.⚠️

Requested by AneliseBarnes.

You stood hastily to your feet. Tears rolled down your cheeks as the door slammed shut, you thought you did something wrong. Maybe you didn't hug him when he came in, maybe it was because you didn't pick up your plate, or maybe it was just you. You didn't know what it was, but you didn't know if you deserved that or not. You gently grabbed your arm, wincing at the burise forming and the sore muscle. You had plenty to go with it, a collection of reminders for failure. Your phone rang and you jumped, almost hitting the lamp on the table. You quickly grabbed your jacket and left, putting the phone to your ear.

"Hello?" You answered, your voice cracking a bit.

"Y/n, he- What's wrong? Why do you sound like that?" Bucky asked, concerned.

James Bucky Barnes. One of your closest friends of 6 years. You met him while talking to your cousin, Tony. It was at a party, you were in one of the best dresses you could find, and he was in a corner watching you. You decided to be bold and talk to him, a couple of drinks later and you two became friends. Time went on, friends turned into best friends, and best friends turned into closest friends who could practically be siblings by now. But, when you met Travis, you started to hide from Bucky. You rilled up all your emotions and outbursts into a bottle, caping it so no one could ever know.

"I'm fine." You lied, "I promise. What's up?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, debating weather or not to be concerned and find you, "Well, Steve is doing some campfire shit tonight, and I'm not going if you're not going."

You paused, "I'll be there."

"Good." He chuckled, "Because it was going to be hell getting me out there. So, I take it since you said yes to the Campfire thing, you're back in town from the mission?"

"Yeah." You nodded, keeping your answer brief, "It was fairly easy. Got home this morning."

There was a silence. You thought maybe he muted himself again and didn't know it, but that changed when he finally spoke.

"Where are you?" He asked, his voice sounding firm, he was growing curious.

You had to avoid the question, come up with something that'll get his mind off of your location. You couldn't been seen now, of all times not now. You opened the doors to a store and grabbed the items you needed, letting out a sigh.

"Y/n." Bucky spoke again, "Where. Are. You."

"No where. Stop worrying, I told you I was fine." You force a chuckle, "I'll be there later on okay? I promise. Bye."


You hung up the phone and shoved it in your pocket. Angry with yourself that you didn't even let him finish his sentence, which pushed him to be even more curious. You dropped the items on the conveyer belt and tapped your foot nervously, worrying both of them might find you. On the other side of Manhattan, Bucky stood there. His phone in his hand and his face a mixture of confusion and concern. Steve came up behind him and put his hands on his hips, letting himself mentally prepare for the workout he was going to get for dragging his friend to the Campfire.

"Please tell me she said yes." Steve huffed, "I really don't want to almost lose my arm again."

"She said yes." Bucky answered, never moving from his spot, "But it wasn't her yes. She's hiding something, Steve, and I don't think it's a good something."

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