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You would be lying if you said you weren't scared for his life. You'd be lying if you said you weren't scared for yours.

H.Y.D.R.A took him away once more while he was on a mission. Compromised. They had enough if him running around living his life. So, instead of living it, their beating the shit out of it. They were going to beat him to death if you hadn't shown up when you did. You kicked the door down only to be met by agents and white coats.

You shot the doctors while the agents were running twords you. Your adrenaline was spiking due to your current mood, pissed. One came after you with a pocket knife and missed as you stepped to the side taking his arm and breaking it as you pushed him against the wall. Another came after you with a gun and tried to shoot you but he shot the other guy instead, right in the back of his head. You took the gun dropping the guy you had on the wall and and snatched it shooting him and the rest who were alive. You dropped it and raced over to Bucky.

He was on the floor against the wall barley able to keep his eyes open, blood was covering him from head to toe, he had multiple new scars. Two bullet holes in his torso, around 5 cuts on his chest, 3 on his arm, and his metal arm was slightly dislocated. Enough for it to bleed out at least.. Most likely from screaming and crying out in pain. You found a bullet wound in his right side and you put a finger to your ear piece looking around for anymore guys.

"Doll..." He croaked, throwing hisnhead back trying to stay awake.

You intertwined your hand with his and you kissed his knuckles holding back tears.

"I found him. We need to go. Now." You ordered.

Fury made you in charge for this mission, since Steve, Sam, and Tony were on another one, he trusted you to go and find Barnes.

"Where are you?" Nat asked.

"South, east corner 3rd door down." You responded.

Bucky couldn't keep his eyes open as they drifted shut and your anxiety kicked in. You ran a hand through his hair and tried to wake him up but you couldn't. You picked him up and with a swift movement, you were out the room. Thor took Bucky to the Jet while Bruce worked on his cuts and his breathing. You were infront of everyone making sure you weren't followed. A bullet went through your shoulder and you almost fell from the impact.

A sniper.

"Clint! We have a sniper on the east side of the roof!" You yelled holding the open wound.

"On it!"

Within seconds the sniper was gone and everyone was on the Jet and headed home. Once you got there, Steve and everyone was back so once his eyes landed on you then Bucky, he was all for answeres and orders. Bruce attended to your shoulder while Tony worked on keeping Bucky alive. You were scared, you didn't want to lose Bucky. Your boyfriend of 3 years was trapped in a hell hole of 5 days, you guys couldn't get a location on him since it was such a lay low base. Bruce stitched up your shoulder and you put your shirt back on.

"How's he doing?" Steve asked leaning against the door.

"Uh, well, his vitals are stable, his breathing is steady, the bullets didn't hit anything serious, so, Manchurian Candidate is fine. A couple scratches but those will heal within the week." Tony answered chewing on blueberries.

"Yeah. So far, he's lost maybe a pint of blood but, if they wanted him dead he would've been by now." Bruce cut in.

"So, why take him but not kill him?" Clint asked.

"For being a Toy," You jumped in as well getting off the cot, "They wanted to do something better than die. They wanted him to wish he was dead, they wanted him to suffer."

"Well, they did a hell of a job." Nat stated putting a hand on Buckys shoulder.

"He should be awake sometime this evening. Until then, we should get some sleep." Steve sighed as he gave a small smile leaving the room.

Everyone was right behind him including you. But, you couldn't go without one more look at Bucky. You treaded over to his cot and ran a hand through his hair kissing his forehead and then leaving. You closed the door and went to your room, you weren't tired but you had to sleep off your anxiety and fear. You buried your face in the pillow and soon, fell asleep.

*Time skip brought to you by, Did you know that in the Comics, Bucly stole Steves wife? I meaaaannnn....*

You woke up to your shoulder hurting and you got out the bed as you sa wit bleeding. You probably popped a stitch in your sleep. You left your room and went to the Lab seeing Bruce and Tony there working on some other project. Bucky was still sleep, he looekd peaceful. But, you teared your gaze off him and opened the door as two men stared at you.

"A think I popped a stitch." You stated siting down on the cot.

"Alright, let's fix it then." Tony said pushing Bruce forward a little.

Bruce scoffed and grabbed the needle and thread as he began re-stitching your wound back up. You thanked him quietly and decided to stay in the lab and help Tony and Bruce with their new project. You pulled up a holographic screen infront of you and looked at the midle of the Tower. You saw the security system was jacked and Tony looked at you with an "Oops" expression on his face. You shook your head and began working when Buvky stirred awake.

You immediately stopped what you were doing and raced to his side. He looked at you and gave a small smile as you gave one back. Tony came over and checked his system.

"Vitals, normal. Breathing, normal. Nothing broken, nothing screwed. Hes all good, just take it slow will ya? Don't want to break anything for real." Tony spoke walking away and continuing with the project.

They were a few feet away so they couldn't really hear anything you two were saying. Bucky put a hand on your cheek and you pushed up against his palm as he smiled.

"Hey doll." He said softly.

"Hi Bucky." You responded as he brought you down to lay on his chest.

You could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, how it sounded like a melody. A melody that you were scared of losing. He kissed the top of your head and you kissed his jaw line causing him to smile.

"I missed you." You whispered in the crook of his neck as he kissed your temple.

"Not as much as I did." He stated bring you closer.

"What happened?....Why didn't you come back?" You asked as your voice cracked.

He sighed rubbing your back and drawing random shapes as he looked up at the ceiling remembering everything that happened in those 5 days. He kept losing track of the days but what he didn't lose track of...was you.

"LET ME OUT!!! DON'T YOU PUT A FINGER ON HER!!!" Bucky screamed banging and banging on the steel door he was trapped behind.

All was going well for his mission, he'd completed the task but on his way back, he got ambushed by them. He would've won if more hadn't come and put number him. They knocked him out and he woke up back in his God forsaken cell. They beat him while he was tied to a chair, a pole, and his least favorite, the chains hanging from the ceiling. It wasn't the beating that hurt, it was his worries of you were alive or not. He was worried if they had found you and were doing the same thing that they were doing to him, to you. It wasn't an easy win, he wanted to be back with you, he wanted to laugh with you, he wanted to train with you, he wanted to do the normal stuff he would, with you.

He missed you. Oh, so much.

"Never mind, you're here now and thats all I care about." You cut off his train of thought and hugged him tighter.

"I love you." He breathed looking at you.

Meeting his gaze you smiled, "I love you too."

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