"I can do it!"

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Text: Short.

Just a lil sm to tell yall know I'm alive and bored lmao. This just came to my head and I had to do it sooooo-


"What are you doing, Buck?" You ask, as he shoves the magazine in your face.

"What's a hoverboard?" He asked, taking the magazine from out your face and handing it to you.

"It's just a technology based board. You move forward to make it go forward, or backwards, side to side, they even have one that kinda reads your movements and does it for you." You explained, and chuckled, "Why?"

"Because I want one." He says lowly, you go to argue but he quickly beats you to it, "Please? I don't know much about this century but I really really want one! Please, for me?"

The puppy eyes that he gave you made you sigh in defeat, "You know I can't say no when you do that."

"Kinda the point." He exaggerated, waving the magazine in his hand up and down, "I promise I'll take care of it!"

"That's not my issue, Buck." You begin, "You're amazing at keeping steady, your balance is always on point. But this...this is something I'm pretty sure you haven't done. Like...ever."

"Oh come on, I can do it! If balance is all it takes I'm fine!" He smiled.

"Okay, if you say so."

                {Much, much later}

"I can't do it!" He shouted, as he dodged a trash can and covered his eyes.

"This is what you called me for?" Nat smirked, "Because it's comedy gold!"

You giggled with her and watched as Bucky almost flew off the thing. He stood up, rubbing his arm and looked twords you. A daring look in his eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to quit?!" You shouted at him.

"Positive! I've never lost to anything, except to Sam at Cards...but he cheated!" He shouted back, rambling, "I got this, don't worry!"

"Says the one who almost lost another limb." Nat mumbled, causing you to snicker.

She was recording the whole thing, for her amusement and for the rest of the Avengers amusement as well. You two continued to lowly laugh and 'oooh' if he ran into something. Eventually, the 106 year old man got it and smiled, going in circles and everything. After he got done, Nat went inside and crashed on your couch while Bucky scooped you in his arms.

"Told ya I'd do it." He smiled.

"Yeah. After 45 fails and 7 crashes." You roll your eyes playfully.

"Come on! I bet you can't do it!" He pouted.

"Can. Will. Did." You smile, "But that was like yesterday."

"Yesterday?" He paused, "We had one and you didn't tell me?!"

You scoff and wave him off, "Noooo!....I used Sam's."

Nat got off the couch and shower you both the video on her phone, "Already gone viral in the chat, you two are hilarious!"

"Nat!" You both whined.

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