Money for the best

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Please forgive me if it's crappy! I just got this idea in my head lol, I have more requests on stories that I will be doing.

Sorry for the slow update, I'm bust most of the time now so, sorry. I'll try my best to update here and there.

Warning: Cussing and some use of drugs

You walked in the bar, the smell of cigarettes and liquor filled your senses. You walked up to the bar table and took a seat on the stool, tapping the wood with your knuckles. Your best friend, Nat, came over with a smile. Nothing but a black tank top, ripped jeans, and her tattoos covering her arm.

She waltzed over with a smile, her white teeth almost blinding you. She rested her elbows on the table as her hair was partly in her face.

"You called?" She hummed.

"Just passing by, wanted to see my beat friend for a bit before I head out." You responded with a smsmile.

"So, what's up? How come your just "passing by"?" She asked making air quotes.

"Nothing big, since I'm the CEO of my company I only have a certain amount of time before I'm needed again. But, I'm turing in late." You answered as she passed you a beer.

"Huh. So no seeing James? Just straight work?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

Your parents handed you their company since they retired and moved on frim that life. Your brother has his own company as well, your whole family were successful people. But you were the most successful. Your company reached global, so to keeo it up was a thick responsibility that you had to uphold. You met Nat on your 6th week of running it then met James on your 2nd year. When you met Nat, she introduced you to Steve, a millionaire, then Steve introduced you to his best friend. Also a millionaire. From the moment you saw him, you've both become close friends. Flirting here and there, he was amazing. Always showed up in his finest, whenever you needed help he'd come and work it out with you.

You smiled shaking your head remembering his last appearance.

"No, can't. The company is having to many callers and sales for me to worry about him right now. But, maybe I'll visit him after tonight. Who knows." You mumbled finishing off the beer.

"Right, I'll see you later then?" Nat asked throwing the beer bottle away for you.

"Wednesday night, after work." You scheduled getting up.

"Wednesday night." She said reassuring herself as you two hugged and you left.

You got in your Black Lamborghini Aventador and drove off to your building. You arrived and parked in your personal spot, stepping into the 16 story building. As soon as you stepped through the doors, your employees circled around you asking questions as you made your way to the elevator. All of them were answered by the time you got to your floor and stepped in your office. You closed the doors and walked over to your desk sitting in the leather chair going over paperwork.

Not even 10 minutes later you got a knock on your door, you groaned forgetting that you barely get peace in your own office as you called them in. Your assistant stepped in with her clipboard and pencil writing things down. She looked up from her paper to see if your were listening and looked back down as she started to talk.

"You have a visitor, should I send him in?" She asked writing more things down.

"Send them in." You responded not looking up from the papers.

Your assistant left and not to long after, James came in. With his black Gucci suit, his white shirt underneath unbuttoned by two buttons, his slicked back hair, black shoes, and car keys in his hand, he made his way to your your and sat down in the chair infront of you.

"Busy night huh?" He asked, his voice husky.

You looked up and smiled at him, "Hi, James. The company's been getting more and more sales and calls by the minute, busy is an understatement."

He hummed in response and leaned back in the chair rubbing his temples.

"Busy night?" You mocked with a smile.

He chuckled and shook his head ever so lightly, "Yeah, hard work being famous and rich."

You chuckled as you continued going over the papers. The plan was to combine another companies work with your own, only for a certain amount of time due to the fact that your company was known for independence. You continued to sit back in your chair as you put your finger on your lips.

"We should do something." James spoke breaking the silence.

"James," You started as he hid the blush, "As much as I'd love to go out and hang with you, I just got here. I have to put in at least 8 hours of work."

He nodded his head slowly as an idea came to him, "What if....I stayed? We can work together on your company all night and order food? Sound good?"

You looked up at him once more going over his words. This wouldn't be the first time you two have done this, it happened 5 times before. All 5 times ending in success with the work and having fun. You nodded your head in agreement as he smiled and took out his phone ordering Chinese. He started helping you with work and after working all night, you both felt exhausted. The sun peaked over the horizon and threw your huge glass windows causing a golden lining around everything.

You yawned and stretched as James did the same. You stood up from the couch and walked over to your counter making a cup of coffee for the both of you.


"With cream and a bit of Caramel- yes James I know." You said cutting him off with a chuckle.

"You know me so well, doll." He stated looking out the window.

"Yeah, it's kinda my thing." You shot back finishing the coffees, "Thanks for helping me out again, it means a lot that you're here."

He looked at you with his million dollar smile and took the Frappuccino from your hand.

"No problem, you know I love helping you out." He mumbled with the straw in his mouth.

You smiled and drank your coffee looking at the time, you got up and started packing your bag. You'd have to do a lot when you get home, catch up on more work and make sure other shit is right. You already felt stressed just at the thought of it. James came up behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder, you smiled as you continued packing your bag.

"I hate leaving." He mumbled under his breath.

"Why?" You asked slightly amused by his child like tone.

"Because that means I have to leave you, go about my day, I don't wanna." He whined burying his face in your neck.

You sighed with a small laugh as he continued to groan. You put your backpack on your shoulder and turned around facing James. He looked in your eyes and with a smile, he kissed your forehead leading you out your office. You were silently screaming at his action, the CEO of the biggest Company in the world, is suddenly a 5th grader at school. Again. It wasn't like he did it out of the blue, he always did it when he'd leave your office. But it had you melt everytime. You hid your blush and pushed the button on the elevator pad.

"I still don't want to leave." James huffed.

You laughed, "How about this, you come over to my house tonight and we'll do something. No work, no stress, just me and you. Possibly Nat. Does that work?"

He turned his head twords you. He took a step forward so you two were barley touching, he leanded forward and pressed his lips against yours. You were shocked at first but went with it, the one moment James had and he wasn't about to throw it away. He rested his hands on your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck bringing him closer. You both pulled away for air as the elevator bell rang letting you two know that you were at the desired floor.

"It's a date. See you later, doll." He whispered walking away leaving you stuck in your position.

"See you...."

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