Was it hard?

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Hanging on the edge holding Buckys hand- a thing you never thought you'd do until today.

A bomb went off in the Tower, unfortunately you and Bucky were on the roof messing around until you spotted the H.Y.D.R.A agents and their trucks roll up. Before you knew it, a loud noisefilled your senses. Hanging onto the edge, you swore to never let go of his hand. Your stomach twisted at the 1130 foot drop below you, knowing about Buckys fears. You looked from the very low ground to your boyfriend who held onto you tight.  His metal arm making extra weight for you to hold onto. Tears already forming in his eyes as he tried his best not to look down.

Where was everyone else?

Probably unconscious.

You tried pulling him up and it almost worked if the bricks you were holding onto didn't slip out of position. Your arm was slightly shaking at the weight, you squeezed your eyes shut gritting your teeth as the numbness began taking over both your arms. You fought to keep him close, to keep him far from death. He didn't want to let go but once he saw your struggle, that was a wake up call for him.

"Let me go." He whispered loud enough for only you to hear.

"No! NO!" You shouted back trying to pull yourself up.

"Doll, please. Only one of us makes it out-"

"It has to be you! I'm not letting you die!"

The bricks started to slip again. The closer it got to falling out, the more pushed you were to save Bucky. The more adrenaline pumped in you, the more you tried getting him to hold onto the wall. The dust below you made you even more uneasy, the settling fear in the low pit of your stomach aching to come out with a scream. You fought it back, you fought the urge to scream and panic- instead you fought to save him. Bucky comes before you, he was always your first choice.

"Doll, just let me go." He uttered, his voice breaking, "Please."

"No! Stop it! Stop asking!" You shouted looking down at him with nothing but sadness in your eyes, "You deserve to live, to be happy! With or without me."

"But you are my happiness, living here without you won't fix that. It'll only make it worse. You've shown me what it feels like to love, to not hide, I never got to repay you. Until now."


"I love you."

"No! NO STOP!"

                             * * *

"So, was it hard?" She asked, writing in her book.


"Y/n, you have to talk. I watched the tape, he did what was best for you. For the team. You won't get our of this asylum until we know it's clear." She blurted looking down at you, "This isn't another game you're playing in your head. This is real life."

"Life." You breathed, "Life is nothing but fair. It only shows you what you need to know."

"What do you know?"

"That it killed him, and I'll kill them."

James Buchanan Barnes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now