Are we friends yet?

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Running through the city. What once was your home was now an inescapable prison, you couldn't hide anywhere in this city. Not from them.

Not as a runaway experiment.

When you ran through your city, you swore you saw more of them from the corner of your eye. They just kept coming from left and right, out of alleys and from behind buildings. Your bare feet staring to freeze and get numb from the cold, of course it was snowing. They've held your captive for years now, they got you after a road trip with your parents when you were 9 and now you're 20. You're different now. You could hear everything if you really put your mind to it, even the smallest leaf that fell to the floor, you can hear it. Which means, you heard the agents loading their guns and getting ready to fire at you. You panicked running faster, almost tripping over yourself turning a corner. You ended up in an allyway and started to climb the stairs that led to the roof, climbing stairs in an alleyway at night was a dangerous move- a move you're willing to take.

Reaching the top, you immediately started running again. That was, until you ran into what felt like a wall, a wall that...yelled?

Falling onto your back, you jumped back up ready to run again when you saw what- who got bumped into. He groaned arching his back from the pain and eventually sat up grabbing his head. Brunette shoulder length hair, tall, built, a sharp jaw line, and a metal arm. His whole arm was exposed. That's when you saw it, the Red Star. The same Red Star that was tattooed on your lower back. His eyes opened and they landed on you, you went from worried to scared in a matter of seconds. He looked like he was doing something important, really important. He finally stood up, slowly, before eyeing you.

"Who are you?" He questioned, his voice full of demand.

You didn't say anything, you just trembled in your spot. How did they get up here with you so fast? How did they even find you that quick? And why does this one look different from the rest? He didn't have the normal logo like the others, so who the hell was he?

"Hey." He called snapping you out of your running thoughts, "Where did you come from?"

Does he not know? Is that why he's different, because he's not with them?

"Я-...не знаю. Только вы, ребята." You answered bearly above a whisper. (I-....don't know. Only you guys do.)

He creased his eyebrows in confusion walking close to you. He heard you but he wanted to know more. Who was the guys? Why were you out here in the middle of the night? Why did you look beat up? He wanted to know it all.

"Стоп! Прекратите, пожалуйста! Обещаю, я больше не буду убегать!" You shouted, your eyes wide as you crouched down near the wall covering your head. (Stop! Stop, please! I promise I won't run anymore!)

The guy stopped dead in his tracks having you open your eyes but not dare look up.

"Run? Run from where?" He questioned, his voice softing a bit, "Hey, what happened to you?"

You slowly lowered your hands peeking up at him. Was he really not going to turn you in? Was he actually concerned? You slowly stood to your feet pressing yourself against the wall as hard as you could, not daring to even think about running. That's when you heard them, all of them. Every foot that hit the ground leading to the alleyway, tears formed in your eyes. You just wanted to get away, you wanted to be free again. The man looked at you before walking over to the edge looking down.

"No! Stop! Don't look-" You tried yelling for him but you doing got cut off by one of the agents finding you and pulling you by your waist.

Hearing the sudden cut from your voice followed by a yell, he looked over at you seeing the problem. You elbowed the guy in his side earning nothing from him, you forgot they've been upgraded. Your training will do nothing in this situation. The guy came over and forced the agent off of you, landing blow after blow to his body. He kicked the agent sending him over the edge, killing him. You stood up and backed away, running.

James Buchanan Barnes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now