Make believe

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This one was...pointless. I don't know why I wrote it or posted it but hey, it's something.

Not gonna front. This one's short.

Words: 1129


You never understood make believe, everything in the world was real. Make believe was something that you thought was irrelevant, it was a distraction to the victims of a fake world. You didn't believe in it.

Not until a certain James Barnes.

When he showed up it took you a couple weeks before you actually fell for him. You guys have been friends, you both didn't belive in make believe, you both thought there was no such thing as Happy Endings. There was always a set back, always. That was until you realized you've been dreaming about him. Dreams, spacing out, thinking you're with him, in other words, make believe. You woke up one morning, getting ready for the day to start. You exited your room and went to the kitchen grabbing breakfast with everyone else.

"Morning Y/n." Sam greeted making a cup of coffee.

"Hey Sam." You greeted with a smile.

You went to the freezer and grabbed your leftover milkshake from last night. Sad that it wasn't frozen, you drank it anyways. You climbed onto the counter and sat there swinging your feet, once again dozing off.

"A milkshake for breakfast? Bold." A voice said.

You snapped out of your head and looked up, it was your fantasy dream man. James Buchanan Barnes. He was always in your head, like some kind of disease. But you're not complaining, this disease will kill you if it wants to but you're sure you witn stop thinking about him even after death.

"Yeah." You said with a light laugh, "It's Steves turn to make breakfast and I want an excuse on why I can't eat it."

"Wow. Good strategy, even I wouldn't have thought of that." He stated with a smile, "Smart."

You almost choked on your drink when he said that. He'd never compliment you before and usually you'd hit someone back with a "Tell me something I don't know". But this, this was different. You finished your drink and hopped off the counter as you started walking away.

"Hey!" Bucky called as you looked back, "Don't forget your phone silly."

He walked up to you and handed it over. You smiled taking it and putting it in your back pocket. Both you guys fingers brushing against each other's.

"Thanks Sarge. I'll see you after breakfast." You said waving and heading to your room.

You closed your door leaving Bucky stuck in his spot. The way Sarge rolled off your tongue, your smile, personality, he was falling for you. He never thought he'd believe in Make believe, but when it came to you he'd think about you in his own little world all the time.

"Yeah....see ya." He whispered to himself with a smile.

*Time skip*

You sat in the living room on the couch upside-down. Your shoes dangling off the edge of the couch while your head was near the floor as you watched TV. The M&Ms on the glass table beside you and your eyes glued to the screen, you heard footsteps coming twords you but ignored the noise. When they came to a stop you felt two hands on your ankles, you looked up and saw Bucky looking at the screen.

"Stranger things huh? Not a bad show, my favorite characters Dustin. Weird little kid." He chuckled as his eyes shifted twords you, "Who's your favorite?"

"Totally Erica." You answered sitting up right.

Bucky mumbled something under his breath and climbed on the couch from behind plopping down on it. He grabbed the bowl of M&Ms and began stuffing his face. A smile appeared on yours as you watched him devour the bowl.

"Mine." You said taking the bowl from him.

"What?! No fair!" He whined through a mouthful of M&Ms.

"Is so fair! You can't just hog the food! That was so uncalled for!"

He swolled the few he had in his mouth and pouted looking at the screen. You sighed dropping your head and putting the bowl in his lap. He looked at you and held the bowl deciding weather you were giving in or not.

"Hold this." You stated getting up.

He nodded as you went into the kitchen and grabbed the bag of M&Ms that was on the top shelf. You had a Family size backup bag just incase anyone decided to join you. You walked back over to the couch and sat criss cross as you poured the bag into the bowl. Bucky looked at you in confusion and you laughed under your breath.

"I'm confused." He admitted.

"I can tell." You replied, "Share."

He smiled as he sat the bowl in-between you two and you both began to eat it and watched the show. At first, Bucky stole glares and glances every now and then, but now he was staring. He couldn't help but stare, you are just that beautiful. You saw out the corner of your eye that he was staring. You turned your head twords him but his eyes never left you even when you noticed.

"What's up?" You asked grabbing another candy when he didn't respond, "Bucky?"


"Bucky? You alive?"

Still nothing.


That's what got him. Right there, first it was Sagre now James. They way they both just rolled off your tongue. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you ontop of him, his lips meeting yours. You didn't even hesitate to kiss him back. Lips moving in perfect sync, his hands moving to your waist, yours tangled in his hair. You both pulled away for air and he sighed in relief.

"God I've been waiting to do that." He stated throwing his head back and raising his fist in the air, "Success."

"Does that mean you like me too?" You asked raising an eyebrow as he nodded, "Tell me, how much do you like me?"

He chuckled facing you, your lips brushing against each other's once again with every word he spoke.

"I don't like you, I love you. I'd spend everyday with you, my last dying breath would be with you. I'd give up all my memories if that meant I'd spend my whole life with you. Anything and everything, would be with you. No matter what." He whispered, his eyes staring in yours.

"I love you too. Good thing you're stuck with me now." You chuckled.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." He mumbled kissing you again.

Tony came in which ruined the moment and Bucky laid his head on your shoulder, his gaze facing away from Stark.


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