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This one is like a previous one shot I made a while ago where Y/n had a nightmare. Now, it's Bucky.

I'm fresh out of ideas except the next parts I have to write for other stories so if you have any suggestions pls hmu. Any grammar errors let me know.

Word count: 1469, very short.

Warning: Gore, possible cussing, and scared Buckybear :(

Good luck and ENJOY!!!!

Bucky walked the streets, tears flowing down his face as he looked at the floor. No one was here, no one he knew at least. His friends, what's left to his family, you, no one was there. He was a literal ghost walking the streets of New York. No one saw him, no one heard him, and no one knows him. He wa sin the history books as "The Winter Soldiers days". It broke him that he was in history like that, Grant it, he was also in the history books as a Howling Commando. But no one knows that the Winter Soldier and James Barnes are the same person. Not here.

The ghost of the city walked and walked. He could feel the floor, he could feel the wind, the sun, even the air he breathes. But that soon went to shit. The floor started shaking and Bucky was shaking with it, the sun turned black and the world became dark. He slowly turned around, like a 5 year old scare door their life, he saw the sky. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing in the sky. Not a star, a single ray of light, or even a cloud, the sky was even gone. How was that possible? No one knows.

He looked around and it was like everyone disappeared. He was alone. Until he was face to face with him, Winter Soldier him. Buckys breathing hitched as he took in himself, the way he looked, all the guns strapped to him, and how scary he looked in his veiw. He never thought about how scared people would be looking at his features until he looked at them himself.

Until he looked at him.

"Ты моя миссия." (You are my mission.) The Soldier spat grabbing his knife.

Bucky didn't say anything as he ran from him. He didn't know why he didn't stay and fight, why he didn't beat himself, he just ran. He looked behind him and saw he was gone, he was uneasy as he looked around and noticed he was completely alone. There was a moment of silence before something touched his shoulder and he jumped turning around. It was you. But not you.

"Doll?" Buckys voice cracked.

You didn't answer him. You weren't even there. Blood started running from your nose as you wiped it with your hands looking at it then back at Bucky.


Before he could answer a gunshot went off and you fell to the floor. Bucky ran to your side and saw a bullet was put through your brain. He was stuck. This endless pit in his stomach was forming until it was replaced by fear when the Winter Soldier showed up and he brought his gun to his holster. Bucky looked back at you and saw your eye gone, the only thing left was a pool of blood. He scrambled to his feet and ran once more, the wind in his face burning the tears in his eyes. He was then stopped by everything turning black.

It was like he was in a pit of nothing. No light, no sky, no buildings, no sidewalks, no nothing. The lights came back on and he was in the chair once more, strapped and the mouth guard in his mouth. He was struggling to break free when the machine turned on, 300 volts of familiar electricity flowing through his brain. He screamed and yelled, which was sall he can do. The doctors and agents around him smiling which made it worse that it already was. Everything went dark as soon as the session was over, he was back in his clothes and still in the pit of nothing. Which than began to fill with water, by this time Bucky was having a panic attack. He was breathing heavy and on the verge of breaking down as the water got to chin level. It was like he was in an invisible box, a limit until he hit the point of no air. Reaching the top he sucked in all the air he could and looked for an escape. How can you look for something that's not there?

"Y/N!!!!!" He yelled banging on the invisible glass as his voice was muffled.

He used the last of his air to call for you as he hit rock bottom. His vision spotted with black dots and his body was about to give up. The box disappeared along with the water and Bucky flopped to thr floor retracting air in his lungs. His hair was sticking to his forehead as he weakly stood up but got knocked down again. There he was the nightmare, the one person he'd never want to see again.


He didn't even run, he didn't even try to escape. He just stood there narrowing his eyes, tired of the games. The Soldier didn't even position himself as you appeared behind him. The bullet still through your brain and the blood dripping on the invisible floor. Bucky was going to reach out for you when he fell through the floor. His fear of heights kicked in and he tries reaching for something, anything that would stop him from falling. He hit the floor with a loud bang, his vision going blurry as he recalled the moment he fell off the train. Just like someone could read his mind, he was in the snow in his old uniform being dragged by the doctor.

"You will be the new fist of H.Y.D.R.A."

Just like that he was back in the room. It was destroying him that he couldn't get out, he couldn't hold you, he couldn't even mourn for your death that he was being destroyed. He was back in his suit looking in the mirror, the man he once saw face to face, through a glass. The reflection reached out and grabbed Buckys wrist pulling him through the other side. He fell flat on his face and stayed there. He was done. So done with this bullshit. He was breaking, slowly he got up to face his fears but he was caught off guard by seeing multiple people infront of him. They all had a bullet in their brain and on their forehead was written "Cryo Freeze".

Steve, Sam, You, Natasha, Fury, Tony, Clint, everyone he ever knew or remembered, hanging. Even Dum dum and Gabe. He remembered them as well, how close they all were. But you stuck out more than anything.


The voice was distant, he wanted to turn around but he was afraid to do so.


It was louder this time, it sounded like you.


His eyes shot open and he jumped out of the bed stumbling twords the door and catching his breath. He slowly turned around hoping this wasn't another nightmare and opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything at first due to his tears building up but once they fell, he saw your concerned face. You were balancing on your knees with a sports bra and shorts on.

"I heard you okay?" You asked softly.

He shook his head no very slowly as a light sobs escaped his throat.

"Come here." You said opening up your arms.

Bucky immediately left the door and quickly made his way over to you burying his head in your collarbone. You ran your fingers through his hair as he cried holding you closer.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked breaking the silence.

There was no answer for a second, he took deep breaths and buried his head even tighter in your neck. You took that as a No and kissed the top of his head. His heavy sobs soon turned to sniffles and he tangled his legs with yours. No one said a word, he kissed your neck and took you in. Your scent, your hair, eyes, your nose, your everything. You both soon fell back to sleep but the next morning was very different.

He didn't leave your side all day, he'd jump if someone called his name, touched his shoulder, or even snuck up behind him without knowing. He was cautious with everything, his eyes never leaving you with any movement you made. You knew whatever he dreamed of was bad, but he would be okay in the next few days or so.

It just broke your heart to see him so broken.

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