Jumped through time (Pt.4)

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Last part.

Warning: Possible cussing

Word count: 1033

You walked through the golden palace running into Thor.

"Y/n? What brings you here?" Thor asked giving you a hug before Loki walked in.

Your eyes shifted twords him. A snarl like form taking over your features as you jumped for Loki but failed due to Thors grip on your waist. Loki had a face of concern but you could see behind those mischievous eyes how he was smiling on the inside.

"You son of a bitch! You did this for fun!" You shouted trying to break free of Thors grasp.

"I assure you Lady Y/n, Loki had nothing to do with anything. He's been with me. And I know his magic." Thor spoke loosening his grip on you a bit.

"He's playing you!" You spat.

"What has he done, Y/n? I'm sure we can solve this without any harm done."

"He sent me and my friends on a trip into time. Jumping us through portals and into different time zones. Each one he tried to get us killed. Your brother wanted to send us through time non-stop. Playing us like puppets." You growled.

"I assure you brother, I have done no such thing. I've been with you this entire time." Loki argued.

"Thor!" You said funnily getting out his grasp as you turned to him, "You know his magic when you see it. I can't take him in without your word, you're King now. Why would I lie to you? My best friend?"

He paused for a moment. You could feel lookings Anxiety vibrations through the floor, he scared. But, as much as you like being his friend, he deserved it. You needed him to on Earth. One, so you can put him through punishment, Two, so you can get back home, and Three, so you know that this will never happen again. Or maybe Thor had a different plan.

"I want to believe you Y/n." Thor said, "But I need proof of this magic you speak of, I need....what are those called?"

"What are what called?" You asked, confused of the next words.

"The- the people on Earth...Witnesses! I need those." He shouted figuring it out.

"Oh, right. Those."

"Brother." Loki interrupted, "This is ridiculous! I have done no such crime against-"

"Loki. You will come with us while we speak. If yoi try anything else funny I will make sure you are sent to Jotunheim as punishment. Understand?" Thor threatened.

"You are out of your mind!" He spat looking at you, "How dare you come here and ruin it. Everything."

"I'd do it again if it meant my friends would be okay." You answered calmy.

Thor placed cuffs on him. Loki was talking non-stop the whole way, boht of you were dying. You two reached Earth and walked straight into the Tower. Everyone was oddly gathered up together, probably looking for you. Your eyes scanned the crowd, the person that stuck out most was Tony. The dark bags under his eyes, his messy hair, and you're pretty sure his frame is skinnier. Thor pushed Loki forward, he stumbled and stood right infront of Steve. Backing up with a smsmile.

"I have reason to belive my brother, Loki, has done somethings. Anyone care to share with me?" Thor spoke.

Everyone told him their parts of the story, Loki grew more and more nervous by the second. You gritted your teeth at the teams story, they were worried about you, Nat, Bucky, and Steve. And, even after they were all worried about you. Bucky stood in the back watching you, be didn't want to interact until you two were alone. Thor got his answers, he turned to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"You were right, Y/n. Loki caused trouble and I couldn't see it. I am very sorry for not believing you." He apologized.

"It's okay. As long as he pays for what he's done, I'll be fine. We'll be fine." You replied with a small smile.

He smiled back. The feature immediately dropping from his face as he turned to Loki.

"Loki, for hurting my friends and committing treason against Asgard, I banish you to Jotunheim." He boomed.

"What?! Brother- this is- for how long?!" Loki stuttered.

"For as long as I want. Move." He spat pushing him infront, "I'll see you guys next time. Goodbye friends."

"This isn't over! I will kill you all! I will make you all suffer! It will be-"

"Shut up." Thor uttered slapping a mouth gaurd on his face.

The Bifrost came and the two brothers left. Not even 2 seconds after, everyone piled on you. Over lapping conversations and sighs of relief filled your ears, once they began to be to much you tapped out. Missing your bed, you went to your room. Closing the door, you changed and plopped on your bed, happy that you finally get to rest. Until your ears picked up on a slow and steady breathing. You sighed.

Bucky. I guess the wants to talk about the Bifrost thing...

You were wrong. Instead, Bucky came and laid down next to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in the crook of your neck so it was between you and the pillows. He placed a kiss behind your ear and nuzzled closer.

"Y-you're not mad?" You mumbled.

"Mad? About what?" He asked softly.

"I-I sent you back here, left you to go to Asgard. I thought for sure you'd be pissed. At least a little bit." You answered.

He chuckled and pulled away, your faces now inches apart. He tucked a hair behind your ear and caressed your cheek.

"I'm not mad, doll. I was worried. Worried that I'd never see you again, that you wouldn't come back. But you're here now, and I'm not letting go again." He explained.

You smiled, "Crazy Adventure right?"

He smiled and kissed you, then nuzzled back into his original position. Pulling you closer this time. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tangled your legs with his, he kissed your cheek and chuckled.

"Crazy adventure."

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