Jumped through time

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A portal. A very weird portal is what got you here.

Strange was working on his magic when he lost control and accidentally sent you, Bucky, Steve, and Nat into a portal. Again- one he had no control over. You all landed in an ally way and fell back first. You groaned getting up and holding your side, looking over your shoulder you helped Nat up then everyone else. You looked around, all you saw was a dim blue sky and a somewhat faded color to a building.

"Where the hell are we?" Nat asked, more of a question to herself.

"I- I'm not sure." Bucky answered.

"Whatever portal we were put through, we jumped time." You interjected.

Steve was quiet.

"Steve? You in there?" Bucky joked waving his hand infront of his face.

"I know this alleyway." He spoke.

You creased your eyebrows in confusion when you heard feet movement. You all climbed the nearest building and spyed on the people coming. A small, skinny, blonde boy and a tall, brown haired guy came through. The brown beating up the blonde into a corner.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Holy shit." Nat whispered.

Then, a brunette came in. Moss green army uniform with papers in his hand. He got the brown guy off the blonde and kicked him out onto the streets. You all slid down the half wall and stared infront of you.

"Okay, so we definitely know where we're at." Steve mumbled in shock.

"We're back in the 1940s." Bucky huffed, "We have to go."

Everyone got up and you took one more look at the familiar guys. Steve was so small and innocent, Bucky was like a big brother to him. Tough and protective. You looked back at them and then back at....younger them. You decided to stay behind and watch them, for fun. By the time Bucky, Steve, and Nat realized you were gone they were way ahead of you. Sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose, Bucky knew exactly where you went.

"Where did she go?! She can't wonder off like that! We'll get caught!" Steve whisper-yelled.

"Calm down. She's a trained assassin, she's stealthy. And I know exactly where she went." Bucky whispered back rolling his eyes at your childless.

"We need to get her and find a way out of here!" Nat interjected.

"Okay, okay. I'll get her but we have to meet up somewhere."

"Like?!" Steve croaked.

".....The bar. We'll meet you guys behind the bar. Steve will take you there. I'll get Y/n and then we'll figure things out from there. Okay?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah. Okay. Let's move." Steve mumbled.

The group splitting up, they began going with the plan. You on the other hand, were at the Stark Expo. One that you've never seen in person. You stayed at the top of a building watching Tony's dad introduce the first flying car. You saw Steve ditch and go over to a building that represented the Soldiers who fought in the war- fighting. He was small, his forehead barley reached the collar of the mirrored suit. You shifted so instead of laying on your stomach you sat criss cross. Besides the war, the 1940s looked peaceful, you were sure there was something you didn't know about but until you did know, the 1940s was amazing.

Jumping off the building and silently landing, you made your way over to a snack bar grabbing small Churoo and climbing back to the top of the building. It wasn't until after you finished your Churoo that you felt a hand on your shoulder. Before words could even leave their mouth you swiftly got up grabbing their hand and pulling their arm back forcing their face on the floor.

"It's me! It's me!"

You let Bucky go as his strained voice rang through your ears. He stood up holding his metal arm but you immediately pulled him down before someone could realize anything.

"What are you doing?" Bucky whispered, slightly annoyed.

"What are you doing?! Don't scare me like that!" You whisper yelled, "And sorry about pinning you. You caught me of gaurd."

"It's fine. Why are you here? Why didn't you follow us?" He asked, his voice a bit strained as he rubbed his shoulder.

"I followed you. Not you you but 40s you. I didn't know you went to the Expo! That's so cool. You got to see a flying car before they were even a thing." You responded looking back at the people.

"Their not a thing." He argued.

"Planes. Hello?"

He sighed standing up and grabbing your hand, "Come on. Steve and Nat are waiting for us. We got to move."

"But the Expo!" You whined following.

"Doll, we got to go." He admitted with a stop.

"Why do you want to go so much? Isn't this...your home?" You asked, forgetting for a split second who you were talking too.

He grumbled.

"This isn't home. Home is back through the portal. Being here only hurts me more than it used too, that's why I want to leave. I don't want to be reminded of the life I had before....this." He referred to his arm.

He let go of your hand and turned to face you cupping your cheeks in his palms, "Home is with you."

You gave off a sad smile as he bent down and kissed you lips then your cheek. He intertwined his fingers with yours and began climbing the building, you couldn't help but felt guilty that he had to come find you in the one place he didn't want to be in. Because of your childless, he left a wave of pain coming back.

You two reached the bar and jumped off the building after spotting Nat and Steve in the alleyway. You landed on your feet, a hand on the floor before fully sitting on your butt. Bucky was right behind you, landing the same way then getting back to figuring out how to get home. That's when you four heard it, the gun shot in a building. That's when Steve looked back in worry.

"Hide hide!" He whispered as you all got behind trash cans and garbage bags.

You saw Steve, like now Steve, run after some guy with a brief case and in a suit. Nat nugged your arm and her eyes told you everything you needed to know.

"Expo." You answered.

With a simple "Ah", you guys got from behind the cans and bags climbing another building.

"You know! I'm getting pretty tired of climbing." Nat reached out to you.

"We have too." You stated as you all reached the top, "Or else there's no way home."

                              * * *

Back in the 2000s, the team was trying to figure out where you went. Strange didn't know where he sent you guys off too. Infact, he didn't know he did. When he was working on his magic, something blocked his connection and cut him off from consciousness. Whatever happened was on purpose, and whoever did it- did it intentionally.

"Tony. They could've gone anywhere. Japan, India, here in New York. Maybe even in different time zones. So how the hell do we find ghosts?" Rhodes asked.

"I'm not sure. If we can just get Strnage to remember we can know where they went!" Tony blurted.

"I told you! I don't know! I was working on a new spell and the next thing I knew, I was here being questioned on where they went!" Strange spat.

"Maybe we need rest. It is 4am. We've been working for 7 hours straight." Wanda stepped in, "Time isn't everything."

Tonys head shot up. Another problem he figured out, "Time. Time! Agh, time could be different where they are! It could be 12 in the afternoon or 1 in the morning!"

"Tony, we'll figure this out. Let's get some sleep and do more later." Bruce mumbled.

"No!" He shouted running his hands down his face, "I'm not stopping until their back. Until their here."


"Sue me!" He continued to panic, "I don't care! I'm not leaving this fucking table until I see my friends on this floor!"

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