Found Pt. 2

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They gave you a room. They said it was yours.

It was a nice room, nothing like you've been in. Your eyes scanned it. Looking for any kind of possible escapes or exits.

Window. Hallow wall. Door.

You walked a couple steps into the room left the door open. You assumed they wanted to see you at all times. You sat on the bed criss cross not moving a muscle. Unless you had to use the bathroom and stuff. You didn't eat until they told you too. You didn't talk. At all.

It's been 7 hours exactly since you got here. You felt a little more free and you started wandering the building. No one saw or heard you. One of the perks to being a trained and used toy. You saw some lab with the brown head in it working on some red and gold suit. You assumed thats where you'd be tested on. You also saw a room with a counter and multiple liquids on a shelf with a long couch. You walked the room a bit before you heard footsteps. You hid behind the counter and listened in.

"Steve, I know it's a lot to take in but it takes time to...recover." A female voice spoke.

"I know, I know. How's it coming with you and Wandas training?" A male voice asked.

"Not bad." She answered.

You heard her footsteps come twords the counter you were hiding behind and you disappeared around the corner and behind a wall. It was fast, stealthy, and swift. You stood still and peaked your head around the corner watching the blonde and red talk.

"It's hard to beat a woman who was powers and can destroy you in the first 5 seconds, but I put up a fight. I lasted 10."

The blonde chuckled and grabbed the liquid in a small glass that the red handed to him. He took a sip of it and put it down in the counter. Everything from there wasn't important.

No information. No way out.

You disappeared from the room and left. You walked the halls yet again passing by multiple rooms and multiple people who didn't notice you. You went back to your room and sat on your bed bored. You saw a drawer and opened it as it revealed a book. A blue and white book with a pen attached to it. You took it out the drawer and opened it to the first page.

Property of: Y/n Y/l/n.

Dear diary, Tony threw another one of his famous birthday parties again. He made me go and wear a dress- barf. But, it was all worth it when I saw Bucky. Jesus, the man is like a God. The way he's built, his blue eyes, his hair, his metal arm, how soft he is even if he looks intimidating. He's the whole package. We talked for a bit and we actually had a somethings in common. He's sweet, and gentleman even. He's over 100 years old but he looks 23. God, he really is the whole package.

Wish me luck me! I'm going for it!

There were many more pages of writing. A diary. Weird thing to have but, it seemed like it was supposed to be secret. They told you this was your room, maybe this was your diary. You closed the book and put it next to you as you looked over the room. It was so...clean. Spotless. Like no one has been here for months.


There was a knock at the open door which made your heart jump but you just looked over at the figure. It was the brunette. Your mind immediately went back to that section of the page. "Bucky- built, blue eyes, metal arm-". You looked at him questioning his name as he began to speak. Leaning against your door, his eyes showed pain. Yours showed no emotion but confused.

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