Mafia gang.

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Warning: Guns. Cussing, lots. Violence. Mention of abuse. Abuse. Plot twists.

You will need: No parents around you and the best try not to rage act.

Long story hehe. (2767 words)

"Why the hell is she on the list?"

Sebastain, being part of the Mafia gang was assigned to kill you. He dosen't. know why. He never does. But you, you look off. You look innocent. Why would the boss want you dead? Why were you on the deadly list?

You were in your house. You lived near a beach side in a somewhat mansion. You have money, lots of it. Only because of your passion to do what you love. (What you like to do). You were amazing at it. Everyone loved your work and it made you famous. Known. Rich. But, to be honest, most times it was hard for you. They expected so much out of you. They expected your best, not knowing that most times it wouldn't be.

Sebastain was on a hill laying on the floor with his grey suit on and a sniper in his grip. He was looking at you through the scope seeing how you were studying in a book with papers scattered across your desk. You were in a white tank top with a black flannel around your waist, black ripped jeans, and white converses on. Sebastain never saw someone as pretty as you. He never felt love, so this feeling he had, he didn't know how to shake it.

"Okay. Okay. Just pull the trigger. She's right there." He tried telling himself.

Not matter how many times he told himself to pull it. He couldn't. He couldn't wipe you off the board. He groaned in frustration until black SUVs caught his eye. 5- no 6 SUVs pulled up and out came members of the gang. You heard them and left the desk. Sebastain lost vision of you and got up.

"What the fuck are they doing?!" He whisper yelled.

They all came out with guns and was locked and loaded for you. His job was to kill her in under 10 hours. Getting to you was 2 and finding a good spot was another 2. That's only 4. He had 2 hours left. So why the hell were they there?

He tried looking for you again but he couldn't see you. Arguing with himself he went down to help you. He had no idea why, he just did. He got through the back to find you wiping knives with a cloth. It was red. Blood. It wasn't on you, just the knives. You heard them coming down your hall and you sighed putting the knife and cloth on the counter. You put your head down and stood back up as they got closer. You heard breathing. You looked over to your left to find a guy looking at you. You raised an eyebrow as he just stared.

"How the hell did yo-" You were cut off by the members finding you and opening fire on sight.

You ducked behind the counter as you stuck up your pointer finger saying "Give me a minute." You got up and you grabbed knives as they stopped shooting for a second.

"Guys! Can't we talk this out?" You asked throwing your hands up.

One guy yelled "No!" and another tried to get a headshot but you dodged it. You sighed and you put your hands down as you made your grip on the two knives in your hands tighter.

"Fine. Have it your way." You looked at them smirking.

You ran over to them getting behind your couch as you covered your head and the couch was being torn. The guy at your door was starting to shoot the other ones.

"This is vintage calm down!" You yelled getting up and throwing a knife.

You were very good with any kind of weapon. The knife you threw landed right in the guys heart and you ran over as you grabbed it before he fell and cut open two of the others throats. You spun around as you cut another throat. A guy came from behind you and you just elbowed him in his ribs. You stuck a knife in ones head and took it out as you used the same knife for another guys leg. You slid on your knees as you stabbed his calf and then got up as you used the other one for his throat. The guy at your door had already killed 12. There was one behind him. You ran in his direction and jumped over him doing a 360 in the air having your knife cut open his head.

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