"Going all night again, huh?"

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Requested by jeonisbub

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Waking up with a jolt, Bucky took a few deep breaths. His forehead sweaty, the sheets sticking to his back, and his body trembling. He ran a shaky hand through his hair, tears dropping on his leg, and stood up. Snatching the sheets off him, he began to grow frustrated. He threw on a pair of sweatpants and headed twords the Training room. The Tower was officially closed, the halls were dark, no movements were heard, no one was to be seen, which was the perfect time for Bucky to be unseen. Even in the daytime, when the Tower was wide awake he'd hide in the shadows, unseen. He wouldn't even say Hi to anyone, he wouldn't hesitate to walk by anyone who was talking to him, and he wouldn't even spare anyone a glance. That was, until you were recruited.

A full year of you being an Avenger, he was a completely different person. Any chance he got, he'd talk to you. He wouldn't let anything happen to you, especially on missions. He protect you. But, he also knew you could protect yourself. Your many skills of fighting were useful for a lot of things, Bucky observed your movements. He observed your different patterns, your different styles, how swift you moved, and how silent you were. He admired you, he actually talked to you, and he loves you. You two hit it off as soon as you walked through that door, you saw him when no one else did. At first, he was stubborn on talking to you. He'd walk past you, ignore you, or even just plain never come near you. But, once you gave up on talking to him, he realized that's not what he wanted. He talked to you first after a while and soon, you two became best friends. Sleepovers, hanging out, gaming, deep conversations, and even shopping some days, you two were practically joined by the hip. Even Steve got a little jealous at times.

Walking up to the punching bag, he began his daily routine- punch until you can't anymore. This usually ends up in him passing out in the Training room and waking up in the middle of the day, and tonight nothing changed. Around 4am, he was out. His body hit the floor with a loud thud and his chest evenly rose and fell with heavy breaths. 4am is your usual favorite time to grab a light meal and watch your shows until you pass out from exhaustion, and today was a perfect day since it was your day off. Grabbing a bowl and putting your popcorn in the microwave, you jumped hearing a loud thud. You turned your head, your eyes quickly servaying the room before your feet moved throughout the floor. You eventually landed in the Training room, seeing your best friend on the floor, out like a light. Steve's told you about the times he's done this, you never caught him since you never pass the Training room at anytime after dark. You picked up your pace and stepped into the ring, kneeling beside him and checking his pulse. A relived sigh left your lips as you sat back, eyes fixed on his state.

"Oh, boy." You mumbled.

Picking him up, you took his wrists and brought them to your chest, his body laid flat against your back. He mumbled something under his breath before falling into consciousness.

"Y/n...." His voice came out soft.

You didn't answer him, you knew he was drifting in and out of consciousness. You needed to get him to the Med Bay, you'd hate having to wake up Bruce but you needed him to check on Bucky. Your worries for him out numbering your thoughts of just putting him in his bed. You carried him to the Med Bay and laid him on the cot, his hand lingered on your wrist before it dropped to his side and off the cot. You left and got Bruce, soon coming back with the Scientist and sitting on Bucky's left watching him work. Every so often, Bucky's face would twist and his left hand would twitch. You knew the signs of an oncoming nightmare, you knew him like the back of your hand. Bruce finished up and looked twords you, a tired yet relieved look on his face.

"He's fine. Just bumped his head is all, he'll be okay." Bruce spoke, a yawn following after.

"Thanks, Bruce." You gave him a small smile, he nodded in response.

"Anytime. Get yourself some sleep, too." He sighed, leaving the room.

You turned back to Bucky and stood up, walking to his side. You sighed and shook your head moving a strand of hair out his sweaty face. You knew he was about to wake up again, most likely on high alert. Just like you knew, he shot out the cot and stood to his feet, his body shaking and his figure digging into the dark corners of the room. Successfully dodging his kick off the cot, you stood up. Slowly. His eyes found you and stayed locked on you, fear and regret written all over his face.

"Bucky?" You called out, his head tilting to the side just a bit, "How do you feel?"

He relaxed his shoulders realizing it was you and slowly dropped his hands to his side. His left arm still twitching.

"Y/n?" He questioned, more of a statement as he looked between you and the room, "Uhm, I-I don't know."

"It's okay." You whispered.

You didn't realize you were walking until you were inches from him. He looked at you, that familiar glimmer of confusion in his eyes that glossed over with tears. You brought your hand to his cheek, he pushed up against your palm, his hand resting atop of yours.

"Did I do something? Did I hurt you?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"No, Buck. You didn't do anything, I promise." You reassured, "I found you in the Training room on the floor, scared me for a second. So, I took your here and had Bruce do a check up, you're fine."

He nodded and pulled you in for a hug, his face pressed into your neck, "Thank you."

"Anytime." You mumbled back, pulling away, "Let's get you to bed. You need it."

He nodded, his fingers intertwined with yours as you led the way to his room. Making it to his door, you pushed it open and laid him down. His body felt sore and in so much pain, the usual. Once he was in, you gave him a small smile and began to walk away. Your wrist was caught between fingers, you stopped then looked down at your hand and back at Bucky. His eyes glossed with tears.

"Остаться. Пожалуйста." He barley whispered. (Stay. Please.)

You gave a small nod, climbing in bed with him. You've done this millions of times, he pulled you to his chest. Muffled cries coming from him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with the ends of his hair, it calmed him down a bit. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, the warmth from him giving you butterflies and the movement you made giving him reassurance.

"Дышать. Сосредоточьтесь на другом." You mumbled. (Breathe. Focus on something else.)

He did as you said, his mind now on you. How perfect you felt in his hands, he wondered how your lips tasted, he thought about your laugh, your hair, your smile, your movement, he thought anything and everything about you. Soon, he was just sniffling and ready to pass or again.

"Thank you." He spoke, softly, "For everything."

"It's nothing to Thank me for, Buck." You stated, pulling away a bit so you could see his face, "I choose to do it because I care about you, I always will."

His eyes flickered for yours to your lips. Without warning, you felt his lips on yours. You didn't hesitate to kiss him back. He breathed through his nose, happy that he finally knows how you taste. Intoxicating and sweet. Breaking away for air, he smiles and places a few wet kisses on your neck before nuzzling his face in the crook.

"I love you, Y/n. Always have, always will." He mumbled, his lips brushing the upper part of your Jaw.

"I love you too, dork."

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