Y/n Barnes

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You are Buckys sister. You went on that mission with Steve and got stuck in the Ice a couple feet below him. The scientists found you a couple days after him. Ever since then, you and Steve have been on the Avengers for a while. And now? The team just got a whole new level of interesting since your brother joined.

Grant it, you were beyond happy he was alive. But, he wasn't the same. Which you were totally cool with! The metal arm? *Chefs kiss*. The hair? Fluffy. The curiosity of the 21 century? Hilarious.

You've figured out the 21 century technology on the first try. It wasn't all that hard, it was just buttons this and this does that.

Your brother has been on the team for a total of 8 months. He isn't as quiet as before but he sure does talking with Steve just as much as he did when he got here. He's still lonely. Ha. And, he still loves you just as much as he did before. Maybe even a little more since he knew you were alive and well.

"Sam! God damnit!" You yelled as you held the controller in your hands.

You and Sam were tied as the "Best Mario Cart Gamer In The Avengers". Or the B.M.C.G.I.T.A. But, the other one was better to say and easier. Right now, Sam just threw a green shell at you which you just so happened to catch. Peter and Clint were on your side for the best as Nat and Rhodes were on Sam's side for the best. Bucky, Steve, and Tony being the Grandpa's and Father they were- found this pointless.

"HA!! IN YOUR FACE!!!" You said cheering as you crossed the finish line.

You did a Victory dance as did Peter and Clint along side you.

"Come on! That was so cheating!" Rhodes said pointing to the screen as he and Nat stood up.

"Not if you know how to play the game." You said giving a smug smile.

"Cake and Ice cream to celebrate?" Clint asked you and Peter.

"LAST ONE THERE DOSENT GET ICE-CREAM!!!" You yelled as all three of you took off.

You being fast like Steve and being smart, beautiful, and just plain awesome beat them there. Peter came in second as Clint was last.

"Quick little bastards." Clint complained under his breath.

"Aw! Boo hoo!" You said mocking him.

"Cookies and Cream or Chocolate?" Peter asked you.

"Definitely C&C. This is Vanilla with Butter cream icing were talking about." You said patting his shoulder.

You passed Steve as you smiled at him and passed Bucky to get to the forks as you kicked his ankle.

"Ow! Must you do that everytime?" He said grabbing his ankle and eyeing you.

"You're right you're right. I shouldn't." You said as you held up your hands.

You went for a punch but he caught it and looked at you as he sighed and shook his head. You rolled your eyes playfully as you tried to punch him with the other hand. He caught that one just as you planned and you kneed him in the stomach causing him to let go of your hands. He groaned in pain for a short second and looked at you who was already eating her cake and Icecream.

"Come on Buck! I just won B.M.C.G.I.T.A! Be happy will ya? The first time I win anything and I'm rewarded as the best!" You said raising your hand and eating the cake in your mouth.

He chuckled as he walked up to you and and placed both his hands on your shoulders. You sat your plate down as he smiled at you and you smiled back. He hugged you tightly as you did him.

"Congratulations. You actually won something." He said in your ear.

You could feel the smile forming on his face as you laughed in disbelief and punched his shoulder. (Not the metal one.)

"Rude! When was the last time YOU won anything?" You said ulling away and raising an eyebrow as you crossed your arms.

"The war sis. We won the war." He said smiling as his pointer finger went form him to Steve.

"What?! I did too! I was on that plane!" You said pointing a finger at him.

He took it and lowered it as he walked away but turned around to say something to you.

"Did you though?" He responded with a smirk.

"JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES!!!" You yelled running after him.

Even though he was a pain in the ass-

He was still your brother.

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