"You could've just asked me to lean down."

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Requested by Your_Girl_Vivi_.

Basically just fluff and teasing about Y/ns height. And to make things fair for you guys I'll use Buckys height from the comics instead of Sebs height. (Which is 5'9 incase you didn't know.)

You stood ontop of the chair, reaching as far as you can to get the cereal on the top shelf. Since you were only about 5'4 it was hard to reach practically anything around the Tower. Sighing in defeat, you grumble and jump off the chair, walking down to Bucky's door. You didn't like to tell him that you couldn't reach something because of your height, he'd always tease you about it but at times you wouldn't mind. Only today, was a very frustrating day for you. Steve made you train harder for the upcoming mission, Clint made you practice Archery an hour more after Steve's training, and then Tony made you help him out with the bugs in suit and any error in coding. Not that he thought he needed it, but he always did. You sighed coming up to his door, maybe teasing is what you needed for a bit, especially from your boyfriend.

"Bucky." You called out, knocking on his door.

"Come in!" He shouted, his voice sounded a bit far.

You opened the door and closed it behind you, he never liked anyone to peek inside his room unannounced. You saw he wasn't in his bed, his closet, or his secret room, so you went to the next best place. You knocked on the bathroom door and he opened his, a hair tie in between his teeth, and his fingers running through his locks. He expected someone to be infront of him, but when no one was there he stiffled a laugh and looked down at you.

"Yes, doll?" He asked, taking the hair tie from his mouth and tieing his hair up.

"I uh.....I can't reach the-" You stopped, you already saw his eyebrows raise and a smile play on his face, "Just get the cereal!"

He chuckled, nodding, "I'll get the cereal, no problem. Maybe I need to put a foot stool near the kitchen so you can use it."

You try your best not to smile at his comment and scoffed, "I'm short, not incapable of doing stuff myself. And don't fuck with me Barnes, I may be short but I can still drop your ass."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah right."

"Want JARVIS to prove you otherwise? I can bring up the 24 tapes of me winning against you in the sparring sessions." You smirk, challenging him.

He pouted and looked away from you, "No...."

"Good. Now help me? Please?" You return back to your own pouting state.

Bucky's smirk immediately comes back as he strolls to the kitchen, you right behind him. He grabs the cereal and hands it to you, you reach for it but he snatches it away and holds it above his head. You groan and stomp your foot in annoyance. The teasing you could handle, but the down right abuse to your height sets you on another pass.

"Give it back!" You whine, trying to pull his arm down.

"No." He simply replies, "You'll have to kiss me in order to get it back."


"No buts. Kiss or no cereal."

You didn't want the cereal that bad, but you weren't going to pass up the chance to kiss him. Even though you do it all the time, you could never get enough of him kissing you. It was like a drug in your system. An addiction that didn't seem to be going away. You had to think on how to give him a kiss so you did what your brain first thought of, you climbed ontop of the counter and grabbed his face. Both your lips met in a passionate kiss, he smiled into it and broke away, shaking his head as he gave you the cereal.

"Thank you." You smile, jumping down.

"You could've just asked me to lean down."

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