Steam (Fred)

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My shoulders were tense and my legs were sore

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My shoulders were tense and my legs were sore. My mind was flooding with thoughts about Fred and the conversation I had with George earlier. I rested my head on my hands as my face hung over my dinner plate, staring down towards my food. It all separated perfectly, waiting to be eaten but I don't have an appetite.

"I'm sorry I told him where you were," Draco stated as he looked at me. His stare holding concern at my demeanor.

"No, it's okay. I needed to hear what he had to say anyway." I lifted my head as I brushed my hair back, simultaneously taking a bite of my food, forcing myself to eat. I know if I don't eat now, at least a little bit I'm going to regret it later.

"I take it, he stated the obvious?"

"Stated what obvious?" I asked, my brows furrowing as I watched him grin with his mouth full of food.

"That you are in love but you are afraid of your feeling." Draco's voice felt like it echoed through the room and I immediately smacked his hand.

"Merlin's beard, Draco. Keep your voice down!" I whisper yelled as I looked around the room. I pressed my hands to my cheeks, feeling them grow hot with a faint blush. Thankfully, no one seemed to have heard him but that didn't stop me from feeling embarrassed.

"Oh, chill out (N/n). If you don't want to talk to him yet then don't. Just relax and when you think it's the right time... Then it's the right time." Shoulders relaxed as he spoke. He's right. I need to relax. I'm not being pressured into anything and I need to calm down. Draco and I are eating dinner late, and the Great hall was starting to thin out because students were heading back to their dormitories.

"Relaxing sounds like a good idea... I'm gonna go take a bath." I stood from the table. It was a little after six-thirty so I know this would be a great time to sneak into the girl's laboratory to use the bathing area. The bathroom is far off from any of the house's dorms, it won't be likely anyone will be there this late.

"Alright, but lock the door. You don't want me sneaking in there with ya." Draco smirked with a soft wink as I glared at him for his witty remark.

"Unless of course, you want me to come?" He wiggled his eyebrows as we both started laughing.

"No thank you, Malfoy." I squinted at him briefly before I made my way out of the dining hall.

The rushing of water filled the tub, as steam rolled into the air above the water, making the room warm as moisture stuck to every surface, fogging up the mirrors and the stained glass window. The bath filled quicker than I expected. Though there are seven faucets, I should've known it wouldn't take long. The tub was quite big, almost the size of a small pool. I slipped off my clothing, keeping my undergarments on just in case Draco did decide to surprise visit. I wouldn't put it past him. He mentioned it so now, frankly, I'm expecting it.

Not wanting to get my hair wet, I used my wand to tie my hair up. Twisting my locks around the wood and pinning it in place. The hot water slightly burned my feet as I stepped in. Making them tingle for a moment or two before adjusting to the hot water. The numb, tingling sensation raised through my body as I stepped in, eventually stopping at my shoulders, towards the base of my neck. I can feel the tension leaving my muscles as I sit here. The hot water soothing my tense stance.

After my talk with George, the idea of seeing Fred stressed me out. What was I supposed to say to him? I told him I wanted to stay friends and I have already messed with his emotions enough. I have been messing with him and flirting with him for years. What if this was the final straw? His final realization that it's not meant to be. I wish there was a way I could avoid this conversation. I thought for a moment, attempting to make an escape plan.

It's inevitable.

I will have to talk to him sooner or later. I could always hide my feelings, but then again, they will eventually surface and he will know the truth. It's better to get it out of the way now. Hear what he has to say and move on.




Then we can go out separate ways. I was watching the steam lift off the water, swirling in the air. I couldn't help but become memorized with it. Letting my thoughts become nothing. Silence filled my head as I focused on the steam. All my worry went away as I took a deep breath, grounding myself. I sat there, completely free of life's problems for... I can't say how long. If I had to guess I would say about thirty-five minutes.

Then my peaceful bliss was cut short as I heard an enchantment unlock the bathroom door. It was dark and I could make out a figure of a person, but I couldn't see who walked in. I froze. Did Draco seriously break into the lady's room just to come and pester me? I did my best to hide under the water so he couldn't see me in such a vulnerable state. Thank Merlin I decided to keep my undergarments on.

"Mind if I join?" A man's voice rang out, but it wasn't Draco. I recognized his tone immediately.

That voice belonged to Fred.

My heart started racing and my hands started shaking underneath the water. Though I tried to calm myself, my nerves got the best of me. I really hope he can't see how much I'm shaking. His presence came off so confident that it made me feel weak. I have never felt this way when I've been with Fred. I was always the confident one who made him nervous, not the other way around.

He steps into the light, a small smile tugging at his lips as he unbuttoned his white collared shirt that still had his metallic silver name tag pinned to it. He must have came here from work. I don't know if I want to run away or squeal with excitement.

Fred Weasley, is stripping in front of me.

Fred Weasley, is stripping in front of me

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