Graduation Plans

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I'm sitting in potions class, talking to Harry about Graduation plans

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I'm sitting in potions class, talking to Harry about Graduation plans... It's now a week away. Though I am excited to be leaving the school as one of its top students, I am also dreading the day for... other reasons. I have been formally accepted into the healing school of my choice and I have been filling out applications and getting prepared to transfer three weeks after leaving Hogwarts. My only problem is I'm not sure where I will be living while I'm attending school. Harry has offered me to stay with him, though the school is quite a distance away. I guess I will have to work with what I have though right? I'm sure they have entrances scatter everywhere in wizarding towns, so I shouldn't have to much trouble... I guess it's settled, I'll be moving in with the Potter's. I looked over at Harry to see his nose stuck in a book, my eyes flickered past him as I noticed Severus staring at me. He smiled for a moment before letting it disappear before anyone besides myself would notice. Maybe I'll tell Harry about my decision another time. As much as I love their family, the boys made me feel really awkward this year. Perhaps there's still another option for me to take... The bell rang signaling the changing of classes. Harry stood as he smiled down at me.

"You know, I don't understand why you like Professor Snape so much..." Harry stated, causing me to lose my shit for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you spend an awful great deal of time with the guy... and he's just horrendous..." I bit my bottom lip as I tried to hide my grin. One day I'm gonna have to tell Harry that the guy I was sneaking around with was the Potions Master. When that day comes, it's going to be so difficult not to laugh at the look on his face.

"He's not that bad. Now hurry up and get to class. You're gonna be late."

"Yes, mom." He joked as he rolled his eyes at me. My face was now holding a truly genuine smile. Even though this week was going to be the toughest of my life, I am at least glad that everything else is back to the way it's supposed to be. The last student in the class besides myself left, leaving Severus and me alone. This really was my favorite part of the day. During this time I could pretend everything was normal. If I just closed my eyes, I could imagine that he wasn't my teacher and that I wasn't his student. In my mind, we were just two ordinary people, madly in love with each other... I began to think about accepting his offer and leaving with him... Maybe there would be a way I could go with him and still attend my schooling... No... I can't take the slightest chance of getting us caught. All it would take is one suspicious witch or wizard and they could track me easily... I was taken away from my daydreaming when I heard Severus's voice.

"Come here." He growled as I felt him lift me from my seat as he locked his lips with mine without warning. I didn't mind, of course, I loved it when he surprised me this way. Instinctively my hands entangled into his silky black locks as I pushed my chest up against him. I felt his hands rest on my waist as his fingers kneaded at my skin. He pulled away with an eagerness dancing in his eyes.

"I want you." His tone was low, barely a whisper. I felt my stomach flutter in the inside as I realized what he was saying...

"I want you too." I didn't stutter and I looked at him straight in the eyes as I spoke. Immediately he had lifted me onto the table, pushing me so I was laying down on my back. Before my mind had the chance to register what was happening I felt the weight of Severus's body laying on top of my own. His lips were locked with mine as I felt him press his entire self on me. Was this really happening? Was I going to sleep with Severus right now? I felt his hands slowly creeping their way up my sides, causing chills to shoot through me. His lips interlocked with mine in a heated passion as I felt myself not wanting to wait any longer. This may be the only chance I have to give myself to him before we go... I broke our kiss as my thoughts started spinning inside my head.

"Do you think this is a smart idea?"

"I'm not sure I'm thinking at the moment." He breathed as his lips began attacking the nape of my neck.

"Do you know somewhere we can go?" I asked, really not wanting to lose my virginity where someone could walk in at any moment. It was rare when people came here, but it did happen occasionally. Severus peeled himself off of me but I could tell he didn't want to. He stood as he took hold of my hand so that I was now sitting up on the table. I quickly fixed my hair as I looked at him, not being able to hide the joy that was surrounding me. I wanted this... bad.

"I know a place." He spoke quietly as he leaned closer to me, placing a slow, soft kiss to my lips.

"Professor!? What do you think you are doing!?" My heart leaped out of my chest as both Severus and I looked over to see Professor McGonagall standing in the doorway. She quickly shut the door behind her before turning back around to stare at us.

"I-It's not his fault! I kissed him! He didn't want me to... I-I'm so sorry!" I stood, attempting to defend him and our situation to make it look like something it wasn't.

"No, she didn't. Minerva... I'm resigning..." I stared at Severus as I watched him tell his co-worker that he was quitting his job. I had to focus on my breath as I realized what this meant. We were caught and because of that, Severus is going to quit... for me...

"Severus... There is no need for such a rash decision." McGonagall said as she took a step closer to the two of us, looking us both over. We stayed silent.

"You are a very talented young wizard and I believe you belong here at Hogwarts..." Her voice fell quiet as she pondered her own thought. So she agreed with me... Severus seemed to fit here perfectly. Like this was meant for him.

"I will keep this between us... as long as you put an end to this! Effective immediately!" She gestured between the two of us as she spoke. His night like eyes searched mine and I could tell he was about ready to speak as he shook his head. He wasn't going to take her offer... He was going to choose me.

"Sev... Do what she says. Don't ruin your career for me... please." My heart was thundering inside of me, I felt as though I was going to pass out at any moment. I wasn't ready for our relationship to end today. I thought we still had this week... I felt his hands rest on my shoulders as he placed his head on my own.

"I can't lose you (Y/n)..." His voice sounded as if he was falling apart on the inside. I knew the feeling... because I was too.

"We'll put an end to it... you have my word." I pulled away from him as I spoke to Professor McGonagall. My heart was breaking as I made my decision. I wasn't going to let him jeopardize his life for me... She looked between the two of us, her features showing pure shock and astonishment.

"Very well." She spoke hesitantly before gesturing me to follow her out of the room. I didn't look back at Severus, but I promised myself I would see him one more time...

Before we both had to leave Hogwarts.

Before we both had to leave Hogwarts

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