Draco's Questions

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Hey, loves!! I'd would really love it if you guys could follow me on Instagram DorothyGale1201  I figure it would be a fun way to share my day with you guys and be able to post funny pictures and captions about my stories!! Of course this is not my personal account and it will only consist of my wattpad content, but I'd love to get to know you all a little better! Like the saying goes, you must know your audience if you wish to create better content! :) alright thank you all so much for reading!<3<3<3

Draco's expression was still, he didn't show any emotion for a long time

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Draco's expression was still, he didn't show any emotion for a long time. Atleast, it felt like a long time. I'm sure it was only a couple of seconds, but his silence was killing me. I shouldn't have said anything, I made a huge mistake. I took my hands away from his, covering my face. If I could crawl in a hole and die right now, I would. That's how embarrassed I am.

"Love... did you say love?" Finally, Draco had a reaction. Though it wasn't one I was looking for. He seemed confused, but what was I expecting him to do? God, I'm such an idiot. I just nodded, answering his question. I began to think of ways that I could play this off as a prank. Then, To my surprise, he smiled at me.

"You know, that makes a lot of sense." His silver eyes danced as he gestured to me with a slight nod, like the puzzle pieces in his head were finally pushing together.

"What? Why would that make sense?" I asked confused by the way his mind seemed to be working.

"Well, now don't get mad at me... but, every guy I know is like, in love with you. And you turn down ALL of them. So, I don't know. I guess it makes sense you want a man you can't have." Draco stated matter of factly. Though I did feel slightly insulted, he had a point... Why am I like that? My bitterness faded with my own thought. Maybe there's something wrong with me?

"Wait, that doesn't make sense then... where are you sneaking off to? Are you like stalking him or something?" He chuckled a bit, attempting to make a joke. Even though he was trying to kid around, I could tell he was actually being serious with his question.

"Uhm, what if I told you... the feelings mutual?" Draco's back straighten at my words as his mouth dropped open. He stared aghast at me.

"You're, telling me- That... that cranky, dreary potions Professor... is in love with you?" He spoke slowly like he was talking to a child. Again, I didn't say anything, I simply nodded at his question. I heard a short 'huh' as he slowly leaned back in the chair, nodding. His mouth was pouted into a frown of thought, like he was letting this information sink in. Suddenly, he shot back up in his seat, leaning closer to me.

"What's that like?" He grinned as he rested an elbow on the table, using it to prop up his chin. I laughed at his eagerness. I'm more than thankful that he's taking this so well.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like, does he smile? Does he always speak so agonizingly slow? That would drive me crazy if I were you-" Draco began to ramble on asking me answer questions about Severus. I couldn't help but giggle at how curious he was. I really took him for granted. I'm glad I told him.

"Is that why you are his assistant? You sneaky little thing! Snape doesn't look like one to break the rules. He always so strict with enforcing them, what a hypocrite- Ooooooh! Do you get good grades in his class now?" Draco winked at me as his grin showed all of his teeth.

"What? Yeah but, I always had good grades." I laughed at him as he just hummed in questioning. He was assuming I was lying!

"I'm serious!" I laughed harder as I hit him in the shoulder. He grabbed his arm where I had just previously punched him as his eyes lit up with an idea. Oh no, what is he thinking?

"Will I be able to get good grades now too?" He raised his eyebrows as if he was seriously thinking about the possibility.

"Draco! No! You are not blackmailing my boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend? So this is deeper than I originally thought?" He joked. I just laughed as I shoved him a bit. That's when the professor had walked in, followed by a few other students. They stared at us, obviously they had witnessed Draco's display of aggression towards Harry. Wonderful, it was going to be one of those kind of days. I'm really not ready to hear all the rumors that are going to spread around the school about me, again. Really though, what do I care? There's already so many, and if they're not true then I shouldn't care what other people think... Right?

Draco and I both stopped talking after other people had joined the room with us. The class filled with other students, It was oddly quiet this morning...

"You don't think any different of me right?... cause i'm dating a teacher?" I whispered under my breath, leaning in closer to his ear.

"Of course not. If he wasn't teaching in this school, it wouldn't be that big of a deal any way. He's barely older than the guy the whole school thinks your dating." Oh yeah, how could I forgot I lied about dating Fred? Draco did make me feel better though. It felt wonderful hearing from someone who didn't think I was being daft. I have felt so weird about being his student for a while now. I guess I have felt this way ever since Hermione made it clear she didn't approve of my feelings for him. The only time I would feel better about myself is when I was with Severus... but when ever we would part, I just felt... wrong.

"Besides, someone once told me 'real friends don't hold grudges over mistakes'-" My smile beamed at him. He just quoted me from the day we first sat next to each other in class. He let his smile match mine before he continued talking.

"Not that your relationship is a mistake! But, I can tell it's taking a toll on you, so- I'm here if you need me" The joy that sprouted inside me was unbelievable. I was so lucky to have him as my best friend. Who would've ever thought that the kid who bullied me for years, would be the one friend I could trust the most.

Now that I was feeling better, Draco positioned his note book so I could copy it. That seemed to be our routine in this class, since he knew I had trouble concentrating this far back. Of course, I repaid him by helping him with his potions homework, which Severus had noticed and confronted me about. Though he let it slide because- well, it was me.

Throughout the class, Draco would write small letters in his notes so that I could read them. We started doing this after Professor Lupin kept giving us detention for talking. For the remainder of the class time, I just answered all of his questions he had about my beloved Potions Professor.

 For the remainder of the class time, I just answered all of his questions he had about my beloved Potions Professor

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I love how far Draco and (Y/n)'s friendship has come! I wish I had a friends like him in real life :'( XD LOL!! Okay dudes, well hope you enjoyed this chapter of the story!! Get ready for a Snape chapter next! :) <3

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