The Latte Boy

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I stood in the exact spot where Severus and I had danced that night

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I stood in the exact spot where Severus and I had danced that night. The snow had melted, but the wind still sent a chill through the air. Good thing I had planned for the weather. Before I had left I had wrapped myself up in my white coat.

"Are you ready?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. I didn't realize he was already out here. I thought I was waiting for him.

"As I'll ever be." I took in his appearance. His cloak was gone, normally he never takes it off. Replacing it was just an average black jacket. He looked, handsome. His hair was also neatly combed as if he was trying to look nice for me. I smiled, as I stared at him. Maybe this was a date... He noticed my astonishment with his attire as he flashed me a knowing smirk. He held out his arm for me to take, I hesitated to touch him. We were going to apparate.

Oh no, I hated the feeling last time. God, I hope I don't get sick. When he did it before, I almost threw up right there in the forbidden forest. I tighten my abdomen, preparing for the dysfunctioning feeling as I wrapped my arm around his. It felt as though my head had been separated from my body in a matter of seconds but it was quickly over. It wasn't as bad as I remembered... I opened my eyes to see that we were in a small alleyway, a little bit outside of a town. To my surprise, I handled the apparition exceedingly better this time. Though I could tell Severus was still worried about me. Most likely because I made a fool out of myself the last time. I felt him wrap one of his arms around my waist as he placed his other hand on my forehead.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... where did you take me?" I asked, noticing cars driving on the road, not too far away from us.

"Muggle town in the U.S..." I gaped at him. The U.S? Why on Earth would he take us so far away from home?

"Umm-" I began but he had cut me off, answering my question before I had even asked it.

"No one knows us here. This way, I can take you on a proper date without any consequences". My smile had taken over my face. He was taking me on a date! How clever, this man really knew how to work around things. Sneak around things really. I wonder if that's a good or bad trait to have? I guess it's a positive one for the situation we are in. We had walked out of the shadows of the alley into the busy town. I felt Severus lace his fingers through mine as we began strolling down the sidewalk. There were people everywhere... and he was touching me... I felt his shoulder press into mine as he placed a sweet kiss to my temple. My face flourished as I squeezed his hand in mine. I didn't realize how much I would enjoy feeling like I didn't have to hide him. Severus held his arm in front of my face, pointing towards a small cafe on the other side of the street.

"Why don't you head over there. Order whatever you want and I'll meet you in a few minutes."

"What? Where are you going?" His hand unlinked from mine as his pace sped up. There was now a few feet in between us.

"Trust me?" He smirked before jogging off. Why does he always just vanish? I chuckled to myself as I started walking over to the small coffee place on the left of the street. When I opened the glass door I heard a little bell chime as I made my way through. It looked like a cozy little lounge. There were tables everywhere but there was also couches and chairs placed throughout the entire place. I waited in a short line of three people before I had a chance to order. It's been so long since I've been in a muggle town, I almost forgot to make sure my wand was well hidden. I quickly took it from my pants, hiding it inside the fabric of my coat. Without realizing, the line had faded and I was the next up to order. A boy about my age stood on the other side of the counter and I couldn't help but feel like he was undressing me with his eyes. His short golden blonde hair looked like it was a bit of a mess, leading me to the assumption that he had been working all day. I was starting to feel uncomfortable as I read the menu that was hanging over his head.

"I'll just have a small peppermint Frappe."

"Alright, one Peppermint Frappe coming up," I tried to avoid his piercing blue eyes with any cost. I noticed the white stained name tag on his apron. It read: Taylor. Muggles really were to easy to read, I could tell he was about to speak simply by the way he was gawking at me. Most likely about to say something he would regret later.

"It's on me if you give me your number." There it was. I scoffed at the boy as I stared at him with unpleasing eyes.

"I don't have a phone." His face contorted into one of confusion before he handed me my drink.

"Well, for a pretty thing like you, it's on me." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my beverage from his hand. Though it wasn't only a cup, he had slipped me a small piece of parchment with a handful of numbers scribbled across it. Well- at least it's free.

"For you Sir?" I turned to walk away until I noticed that the man Taylor was talking to was Severus.

"Yeah, I would like it if you didn't hit on my girlfriend. Thanks." Severus then slapped some money on to the counter before putting his arm around my waist. We left the cafe as we both walked outside continuing our way down the sidewalk again. A grin escaped my lips as I looked over to see his face turn to a smile as he looked at me from the corner of his eyes

"You've been dying to say that haven't you?"

"I have." We had started laughing as I wrapped one of my arms around him in a sideways hug. He was seriously so cute. As we walked, we entangled ourselves with one another. His arm around my neck, holding my shoulder as he did so. My free hand pressed onto his lower back, feeling the warmth of his body radiating into my own. As we walked I noticed a few pair of eyes landing on our forms and I loved it. I loved feeling entirely his.

"So where did you go?" I asked, still curious about where he had disappeared too.

"To a special shop. I got us some books." My brows knitted together as I saw him pull out two small notebooks, he handed me one with a red and white binding. I opened it to see the pages blank.

"What for?"

"With these, will be able to talk to each other without leaving a trace." I smiled, but I was still slightly confused about what he had meant. It was obvious that these books held magic, I could feel the weight of it inside it... But it wasn't a kind of magic I was familiar with.

"You'll see." He said as I tucked the book into my coat, right next to where my wand was resting.

"Where to now?" I asked I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face as he replaced his fingers back with mine. Holding his hand sent butterflies into my stomach. Just a simple act, but it apparently held a greater meaning in my heart.

"Perhaps somewhere more... Private?"


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I think this chapter is adorable<3 but the next one will be even better!! Hope you guys enjoyed it! :)

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