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Today is Wednesday

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Today is Wednesday. Currently, I am sitting at the Gryffindor table eating lunch with Ron, Hermione, and Harry. The last two days have been somewhat normal. Besides my constant thinking about Severus, but I guess that is my normal now. We ended up staying in the forbidden forest until dawn. It was romantic, but I did notice the true nature of the place once the sun started to set. Severus said he would make time to see me again, so now I'm just waiting for him to swoop in at any moment. I've noticed he kind of just takes me away randomly without any warning. I'm not complaining, I just wish I was in control of seeing him sometimes... Maybe I should surprise him? Hmm... I'm not sure if I trust myself enough to not get caught. I guess if the opportunity arises, I'll take it.

"Helloooo?? Earth to (Y/n)." Ron was snapping his fingers in front of my face. They must have noticed I zoned out.

"Hm? S-sorry. Didn't sleep well last night."

"Guess what (Y/n)! Hermione and Harry will be joining us for the holidays this year!" Ron said sounding rather excited. I glanced at both Harry and Hermione who looked quite excited about it.

"Really!? Oh my gosh, we all are gonna have so much fun!" I squealed, honestly excited about the upcoming break now. After talking to Severus, I was beginning to dread going to the Weasley's. I felt awful for turning down his offer, but he seemed to understand where I was coming from.

"Yup, mum said the more the merrier." Ronald ended his sentence by stuffing his sandwich in his mouth. He then started speaking with his mouth full. I had to stifle my laugh as Hermione scolded him for doing so.

"So (N/n), I was wondering-" Harry was cut off by Draco sitting next to him. Harry just stared in his direction, appalled and shocked that he even dared to sit this close to him. Draco reached over the table and grabbed a handful of my chips.

"You mind?" He smiled at me. I couldn't help but return a smile as I shoved my plate over to him.

"Be my guest," I said. I couldn't believe he actually joined us at the Gryffindor table! AND he was sitting next to Harry! He swore to me he never would do such things, I must've gotten through to him somehow. Maybe it was because I copied his exact actions over with the Slytherins for him a few times. The joy that coursed through me was undeniable. The only thing that was ruining this moment for me was the glares the three of them were giving him. They were going to ruin this! This was such a big step for him.

"Do you still have my notes from DADA?" Draco asked seeming oddly comfortable at the moment. I could tell he was putting up a front for the others, but I didn't mind. At least he was being civil. I nodded as I handed him his notebook. Draco leaned his elbows on the table as he began talking to me.

"In class, we are starting to learn ways to deflect higher harm spells! Obviously, you'll be my partner, so we should-"

"Excuse me Malfoy, (Y/n) and I were talking." Harry cut him off. Draco froze and just stared at him.

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