You Hungry? (Fred)

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I briefly closed my eyes for a moment, calming myself

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I briefly closed my eyes for a moment, calming myself. I had to find something that would distract me from my thoughts. I held onto his form as I examined the store. It looked... peaceful. At least now that there weren't any children bustling around. The whole place was lit by bright lights, there wasn't a dark corner in the place. There were tons of shelves scattered throughout the room, holding all of their merchandise. Even though the store looked spotless, it was still cluttered, but it held a relaxing aura around itself.

For a moment my gaze met his chocolate eyes before I removed myself from his hold. I still haven't said anything, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say? I'm more than positive he still thought this whole date was fake... Should I tell him that things fell through between Severus and me? I slowly walked around, picking up random items then putting them back down. I never actually have been given the chance to look at what they sold here. Every time I had visited I was either in a rush or the place was so packed you couldn't move. Normally I'm not a big fan of crowds, hence why I never stayed long. I examined my surrounding for a good five minutes before a case of glass crystals had caught my eye. I have never seen anything like them before?

"Are you gonna say anything, love?" I felt Fred's presence standing behind my shoulders, I still didn't speak. For some reason I was nervous and I didn't know what to say right now. I'm starting to think I shouldn't have come. Ignoring his question, I picked up one of the reflecting crystals. As soon as my skin made contact it exploded into tiny shards of glass.

"Ow! Why'd it do that!?" I looked at the tip of my index finger, a bubble of red blood floated above my skin. I put my finger in my mouth, stopping it from bleeding farther.

"You okay?" He asked as I nodded my head to confirm that I was fine.

"What are those things?" I asked as I shook my hand, trying to shake the stinging pain away.

"They hold emotion or memories... Once it's charged if someone else touches it they can feel that energy." Fred looked puzzled as he knelt down, studying the glass fragments that were now scattered across the floor.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Fred spoke over top of me.

"You're okay... I've never seen anything like that happen before." He then used his hand to sweep up the mess I had just made. When he finally gathered all of the pieces, he stood. He looked at me, his eyes holding sorrow and confusion. Then, for a moment, it looked like he may start crying right in front of me. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do but before I could say anything he had set the pile of glass down, his face now holding concern. Oh great... Do those things still work after they break?

"Tell me what happened..." I felt Fred's hands stroke both my arms in a comforting way. His eyes interlocked with mine as if he was trying to read my mind but couldn't. His touch forced tears to spring to my eyes. I have been mad at Severus this whole time, I never gave myself a moment to let the realization of his absence sink in. Fred immediately pulled me into him, the warmth of his embrace calmed me as I snuck my arms around his sides. I held onto his torso as I buried my head in his chest, letting my emotions go. I felt him place a kiss in my hair as he kept muttering "It's okay" over and over again. He hugged me so tightly it almost felt like he was trying to squeeze the sadness right out of me. We stayed like that for a long moment, before he gently pulled me away from him, holding my shoulders. I quickly wiped my face dry as he put his arm around me, leading me to some chairs that were sitting out behind the counter. I sat down, keeping my eyes strained on the floor. This is not how I expected this night to turn out.

"You wanna talk about it?" Fred sat across from me, resting his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward, trying to catch my eyes with his.

"No... I was just dumb..."

"You're not dumb (Y/n)... In fact, I would say your wits are at least average." I couldn't help but smile slightly at his teasing tone. I looked up to see his freckled cheeks grinning for a moment before his expression faltered into one of concern.

"You can tell me. I won't judge." His eyes lit up as I took in a deep breath. I felt horrible that I was wasting his time with my problems, again, but he seemed persistent.

"My uh-... 'mystery man'... he um, broke up with me." I felt the corner of my mouth twitch, my attempt to smile. Obviously, it didn't work out. I felt Fred rest is warm hand over the top of my own. My fingers were still slightly cold form my flight and I think he had noticed. Fred then held both my hands in his tightly, attempting to ease my chilled skin. Randomly, he stood, pulling me with him. I looked up at his shoulders, he was so tall compared to me. His height slightly reminded me of Severus, weird enough, that thought comforted me.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)". It was quiet for a moment. I watched his eyes flicker from side to side in thought. It was like he was curious about something but was too afraid to ask me.

"What do you want to know?"

"It's just- If that's the case... then why did you come here? It's not like you need an alibi anymore...?" My stare turned to the ground after he spoke. Why did I come here? I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn with embarrassment. I focused on my shoes, preparing myself for what I was about to say next.

"I uh... I promised you that if it didn't work out... You'd be the first one I thought of." I heard a low chuckle, causing me to look up to see a beaming Fred.

"You're willing to give me a chance?"

"Perhaps... It's a little to soon to tell at the moment. All I know is I really wanted to see you after everything... You always make me feel better." Fred and I both shared a small smile as we looked at each other. I couldn't help but noticed his brown eyes shimmering with excitement. My hands never left his as we got lost in each other's eyes. It was silent between the two of us for a minute or two. When Fred finally realized what was happening, he dropped one of our holds on each other and itched the back of his neck.

"So, this is a real date then?" His cheeks flared a bright pink and I could tell by the way he spoke he was nervous now. I grinned as I nodded slightly.

"If you'd like it to be," I said while looking at Fred's famous blush that brought me so much joy. His entire face smiled as he heard my answer.

"Alright, sweet!... Umm, you hungry?" I couldn't help but laugh as Fred began pulling me away towards the back room of the store. For the first time in days, I actually felt happy.

 For the first time in days, I actually felt happy

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How are you liking this ending so far? I know not much has changed from the original story yet, but trust me! Within the next chapter, ALOT is going to change! :)

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