Spaghetti (Fred)

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As soon as I walked into the back room, I was stunned

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As soon as I walked into the back room, I was stunned. There was a table for two covered by white lace and he had enchanted glowing red hearts to flutter around the room. It was dim in here, unlike the other parts of the store. I watched Fred mutter a charm to light the candle that was placed between both plates that were resting on the table. I felt my heart twinged as I looked around in awe. This was so romantic...

"What's going on?" I could feel my lips growing into a grin as I looked over at Fred. He chuckled slightly, looking at the ground as if he was embarrassed. His eyes then rested on my frame as I noticed he was trying to hold back his cheesy grin, he was failing.

"This was always a real date in my mind." His words had caused my cheeks to turn a dark shade of crimson. I felt that oh so familiar flutter inside my chest as I watched him pull out my chair for me. I took a seat as I watched him walk around the dining table to join me. As soon as he sat down, a beautiful spaghetti dinner that smelled absolutely delicious appeared before us. I couldn't hold back my smile. I never would have expected anything like this from him. All my life I always knew him as a prankster. The guy who makes jokes! As we started to eat I began to think back when I had my very first kiss... That stupid truth or dare game when George had dared Fred to snog me. I remember how his lips had barely touched mine but even though it was short and simple it still had caused my heart to implode. I was intrigued by the feeling but it also scared me. Honestly, I think that was the main reason why I never really wanted to date anyone. Feeling that way intimidated me... it still does. Especially after what just happened between Severus and me... I took a sip of my water as I purposely gazed at the man before me. I rested my hand on my cheek as I sighed happily, studying his features.

"Like what you see?" Fred set down his silverware as he folded his hands together, copying my gaze.

"I always like what I see when I look at you, Fred." I watched hit ears tint pink as I stood, slowly taking a step closer to him.

"I like the way your eyes look at me like I'm the only girl you've ever seen..." I took another step closer to him. He stayed still, his smile now gone, replaced with a serious expression. What he didn't know was that I had a handful of noodles hiding behind my back... I just had to get close enough to him without him expecting anything. He always caught me whenever I tried to pull anything past him.

"I love how you blush when I say the simplest words." Another step closer. I was only one step away from him now.

"And I don't know why... but I love how tall you are..." I bit my lip as I looked down at the stunned Weasley. I held my face still as I studied his sitting form. All of a sudden he stood up, I jumped slightly but then I couldn't help but laugh a bit as I realized his actions were because of my last comment. He's adorable. I took another step closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, preparing to attack.

"And your hair..." I let my hands fall over his head, sneaking in the contents of my dinner through his hair. After I succeeded I ran across the room away from him. I heard Fred laughing as I watched him pick up his plate of food.

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