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It's been a few weeks since I started teaching beside Severus in his class

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It's been a few weeks since I started teaching beside Severus in his class. His first-year students tend to like me more and feel more comfortable asking me questions rather than the Professor himself. I have gotten him to lighten up a bit during this period, I have even gotten him to smile in front of his students! Not frequently, but it has happened a handful of times. I've had so much fun working beside him it's kind of ridiculous. I'm going to miss him so much over the break. Currently, Hermione and I are packing our things for the Weasley's. We leave tonight, just after dinner. I have finished all of my Christmas shopping, thank god. It took me forever to find the perfect gift for each one of my friends. Of course, I will give Hermione, Ron, and Harry their presents on Christmas, but as for Draco and Severus, I will have to find them today.

"You seem like you have been enjoying your time with Professor Snape... Do you... Still?" Hermione was trying to ask me if I still had feelings for our teacher. I hated having to lie to her, but I can't risk getting us caught by anyone. It could ruin our lives.

"What? No. That was just a temporary thing... I already told you that."

"I know... I just can't fathom the idea that you would tell me you like a teacher, but can't trust me enough to know who your crush is now. It obvious you are head over heels for someone." I laughed slightly at her phrase. Here she goes again with the pestering questions. This girl really knew how to read me.

"Oh. my. God."

"What? Are you okay?" I watched her as I folded my last shirt, tucking it away into my suitcase.

"You like Draco!" She yelled.

"I do not!"

"It's so obvious! He's the only other boy you hang around besides Harry and you've made it very clear to me that it's not him or William. Go ahead, (Y/n). Tell me I'm wrong." I didn't know what to say to her. I froze. I didn't have an excuse or anyone else I could say where she wouldn't read straight through my lie. She didn't let me respond.

"I knew it!" Hermione grinned as she ran over to me, squeezing me in her arms.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" I hesitated as I hugged her back. What can I even do? What do I say?

"I-I thought... Cause it's Malfoy?"

"You are ridiculous!"

"J-just don't tell anyone okay! He can NOT find out! No one can you got it? I don't want to do anything to ruin our friendship." This may be a huge mistake. If Draco finds out about this conversation, I could either lose all of his respect or worst. I could hurt him. I already hurt Harry and I'm not ready to put Draco through that same torment.

"I won't say anything... Now, why don't you go find him and give him your gift." She spoke with a small smile. I returned her expression as I went to leave the room.

"Just remember to meet us in the common room at five o'clock!" She yelled as I gave her a thumbs up before shutting the door behind me. I took a deep breath as I meant ally shunned myself. If I keep this up, I'm not gonna be able to climb out of the hole that I am digging myself.


The first place I headed to was Snape's classroom. Of course, he wasn't there. After sitting around waiting for him to make an appearance, I decided just to mozy around the school until I bumped into someone. As I did this, the first person my eyes had caught was William, he was just leaving the Gryffindor common room.  That's right! I forgot I got him something! I picked it up well over a month ago, good thing I remembered.

"Will!" I yelled as I jogged over to him. When he realized it was me calling his name he grinned.

"What's up, (Y/n)?"

"I got you a Christmas present." I smiled as I reached into my small purse, which held all the gifts that I had gotten for people. I pulled out a small box wrapped in silver and gold and handed it to him.

"Oh... uh, I didn't get you-" His hand found the back of his neck, scratching it nervously. I slightly giggled at his shyness.

"That's alright sweetie! Just open it!" His olive colored cheeks tinted a light pink as he began unwrapping his gift. He pulled out a matching bracelet to the one he had given me. I took it from him and snapped it around his wrist.

"Now we match!" He beamed as he held his arm against mine. Both chains twisted into a stunning orange with small spots of yellow.

"Trust me, this little guy will change your life!" I smiled as Will pulled me into a quick hug.

"Oh! I was wondering if you knew what the color gold means?" I pulled away from him, still holding his shoulders as I asked my question.

"No, the paper I wrote you were the only ones I knew about... but I'm sure you could find something in the library about it." He smiled at our closeness. When I realized I was still holding him I took a step back. My hand holding my elbow as I did so. The library... Why didn't I think to look there before?

"Happy Christmas, (Y/n)."

"Happy Christmas, Will. Have a wonderful break and tell your parents I said hi!" I smiled as I walked away from him. I made my way towards the great hall, hoping Draco would be there. Ever since his fall out with his Slytherin friends, he tends to hang around here, instead of in his common room like he use to. Sure enough, I could see his famous blonde hair peeking out in the distance.  He was sitting in my usual seat at the Gryffindor table, a large box wrapped in dark green paper sat in front of him. It's time to find out what this, so called 'amazing gift' is.


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This chapter was originally apart of the next one, but it seemed way to much longer than my others, so I decided to seperate them. So I apologize for the huge cliff hanger. LOL <3 :)

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