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A month has gone by

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A month has gone by. Not much has changed really, in fact, it's more like everything has gone back to normal. All of my friendships are finally back to how they are supposed to be. Harry has finally given up trying to figure out who I was sneaking around with. He now believes that Fred and I are actually together, which is a good thing...I think?

But I still feel guilty about lying to him and Ron, especially when Hermione and Draco know the truth. But I learned my lesson from before. I will keep my mouth shut, besides it won't hurt as much when my relationship with Severus ends if fewer people know about it. I think keeping it as private as possible is the best thing to do for both of us. Even if it does seem like I favor some of my friends over the others... I honestly don't think Harry and Ron would understand though... So, It's most likely for the best if they stay in the dark. It'll save me from all the embarrassment.

Hermione has actually been ignoring the fact that I am back with Severus, I think she's too nervous to ask me or perhaps she knows it's easier for me not to talk about it. Which I respect and thank if that's the reason why she hasn't brought it up to me. I just want to keep this between Severus and me now, that way we can cherish each other for the time being.

Draco, on the other hand, asks me about him every day, making sure he is treating me right. It's almost like he is searching for a reason to hate him. Which I understand, if I watched him go through the same thing with a girl, I probably would have the same reaction. On another note, Severus has been the sweetest. When I'm with him everything seems... perfect. Like my world is right again. It's only when I'm away from him when I start dwelling on what the future has in store for us.

I've been thinking hard about what I want... and I'll be honest, It's been exceedingly difficult not to change my mind and go with him. It's not like I have any other place to go... Except for the trade school I have had my eye on. I've been accepted and it will only take three years to be trained to become a healer... Three years... and then I could be with Severus. Perhaps that will be my plan. I will further my studies, become a successful healer and then somehow manage to find my way back to him. Maybe we could even have a long distance relationship... this doesn't have to be goodbye! We can work around it, right?

Currently, I am walking through an empty corridor. Making my way to Defence Against the Dark Arts when I feel someone shove me into a wall. I trip over myself as I look up to see perfectly curled, long red hair standing over top of me. Wendy... She hasn't spoken to me since the third year it feels like. Her Hufflepuff robes swayed around her as I saw a few of her friends gather behind her. What was happening right now?

"Skank." The girl sneered at me as a thought of puzzlement entered my mind. What is she going on about?

"I'm sorry?" I questioned, confused by why this normally sweet girl was being such a prude.

"Pick one, Draco or Fred?" My face contorted as my mind went blank. I couldn't help but stare at her abnormally large glasses. I don't believe I've ever seen here wear those before? Then again, I was never close to her, she probably always had them, I just never noticed. What was I even supposed to say to that?

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