His Red Sweater (Fred)

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I walked up the stairs of Fred's shop, never being up here before, I really didn't know what to expect

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I walked up the stairs of Fred's shop, never being up here before, I really didn't know what to expect. He took me into his bedroom because he thought I should get some rest after tonight. Which obviously, I do. There was just this weird feeling that was pounding into my chest that desperately made me want to go back to mine and Hermione's shared room at Hogwarts. Something felt off. Which it was probably just me being embarrassed by Draco and then Severus showing up here as well. It was a lot to take in that being around Fred almost made it completely overwhelming.

"Well, here it is." Fred smiled as I walked into his room. A maroon bedspread caught my eye. His room here was a lot nicer than the one at his parent's house. I smiled as that pumpkin spice smell of Fred engulfed my senses. It felt as though his room had a relaxing aura placed on it. While knowing Fred, He probably charmed it. I mean after a stressful day at work it probably would be nice to have a place to come and let go of all of the tension. No wonder he's always so happy.

"You can stay here and just relax tonight. I'll stay in George's room. So, if you need me that's where I'll be" Fred smiled and he closed the door softly behind him. He was such a sweet guy. I'm quite glad that I don't need to talk to him about anything. Draco really was a handful today and I don't feel like explaining all the words vomit that came out of his mouth just a few minutes ago. I took in a deep breath of that sweet smell that was engulfing me as I sat down on Fred's bed. I curled myself around his pillows as I laid there, letting my mind relax and trying to forget my embarrassment. I could feel my eyelids growing heavier as a single thought crossed my mind. I should go get Fred. But before I could act upon this thought, I drifted off into a peaceful, well-needed sleep.

I brushed the sleep out of my eyes as I woke up, the sun pouring through the small cracks of the drawn blinds. My heart started racing. After yesterday. I'm not sure if I want to face Fredrick. I don't think I want to face anyone at this moment. After Severus... and everything Draco had said. I... I know Fred will understand but do I? Was this what I even wanted? I just severed any ties I had with Sev last night, and here I am sleeping in another man's bed. Maybe he was right. Maybe they were right about me. Fred deserves someone better than me, He should be head over heels for someone who would always choose him as their first choice. I didn't do that for him. That's all I ever wanted Severus to do for me, and if I can't offer that to Fred, I'm no better. I wish I would have recognized the chemistry between us long ago, but of course, I had to ignore it. Maybe I just need some time to myself to think. Yeah, avoiding people sounds pretty good right about now. And with that last thought, I opened the window just enough so that I could fit through the small gap...

Though, before I left, I couldn't help but notice a dark red sweater. I decided not to stop myself I picked it up and held it to my chest. The smell of Fred's cologne engulfed me and at that moment, without a second thought, I decided to take it with me. I hoisted myself through the window as I summoned my broom. I needed to getaway. The wind lifting my hair as I flew through the air, chilling my skin. I didn't know where I was going, but perhaps that was a good thing. I ended up just flying around for a few hours before I finally decided to head back to Hogwarts. Praying that I wouldn't run into both Hermione and Draco. I don't feel like explaining why I ran out on Fred. My stomach flipped a bit as I realized what I did. I hope I did the right thing. Maybe I should have talked to him before I left.

But what would I have even said? Nothing. I don't want to say anything to anyone at the moment. I walked around the halls for a while, not sure where I was headed. Eventually, I ended up in a small room. The room looked as though the sun was shining through water. The way the floor of a pool looks on a sunny day, even though there wasn't any water in sight. The space was empty, nothing but a light grey fur rug sat in the center of the room. I immediately sat down. Tears welled in my eyes as I took a deep breath. I'm over being this upset. The feeling will pass, and I know I will get through this. It may take some time, but I'll be fine. I slipped the red sweater I had been carrying with me all day over my head and let the warmth of the fabric embrace me as I laid on my back. I stared at the ceiling, watching the small rays of light dance across the old wooden frames. For the first time in a while, I finally felt like myself again.

 For the first time in a while, I finally felt like myself again

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Sorry this was such a short Chapter guys! I promise this is going somewhere I have just been so busy I haven't had much time to sit down and type! <3<3<3

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